13 - Suicidal Partners

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"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem"


"Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even"



I'm finally going to see one of Zach's games followed by a dinner with his parents, both this time. I've not been freaking out as bad this time as I know Zach's mom already loves me but it's still a big thing for me to be meeting his dad face to face. I already knew him but it would be awkward if he knew that. Not to mention overly stalkerish. I personally think his mum is glad Zach gave Michelle the old boot, which also meant she would be pushing us together even more not that it didn't excite me but, it could never happen.

Fridays just a couple of days away where I could finally see Zach playing basketball for the first time. It's weird being friends with him for this long and having yet to see him play his sport. I'm excited for it although I'm not really into sports. We had decided that he would drive me there as I would be his "lucky charm" as he put it.

The days pass rather quickly before I know it its Friday. Zach was to pick me up an hour before the game, of course the guys hadn't given me the full degree. I was rather glad for it actually. I got ready like I usually did; putting in my contacts, wig, taking out only a few of my more noticeable piercings, strapping my gun and knife to my side. Zach had mentioned the restaurant we were going to after the game is more on the classier side. I had dressed slightly fancier than I normally did wanting to give a good impression to his dad.

A knock at the front door echoed throughout the house, for once I was glad it was just Ace and I that were home. I didn't mind him answering the door, Ace is considerably less weird than the other two. Both of the weirdos were out on an order from the boss I didn't know what but I'm glad it kept them occupied for this moment.

As I open my door I hear familiar voices drifting up from downstairs.

"You're here for Eli right? Nice to meet you I'm Ace Docherty."

"Zach Hempstead" I imagine them shaking hands.

I make my way downstairs paying careful attention to not trip, I couldn't take the both of them laughing at me. Red hair catches my attention as Ace stands stall blocking the entryway, he had been trying his hardest to control his habit by finding distractions. His glasses glinted in the light, surprisingly in closer inspection Zach is slightly taller than Ace which I have never seen before.

As I come up to the door I slip under Aces arm which is resting on the doorframe, by the sounds of it they were having a somewhat awkward conversation I decide to save them both. I look up to Zach and give him an award winning smile before I turn to Ace.

"Don't wait up for me." I slap his cheek a couple of times. He rolls his eyes at me, I turn around and motion for Zach to move towards his car as I follow. Ace shouts over my shoulder

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"That's a very short list then" I look back in time for him to flip me the bird. I laugh as I open the car door and slide in. Zach starts the engine and drives off, he still hasn't said a word so I decided to break the silence.

"You've met at least one of my roommates now"

"He's a little... older than I was expecting, such red hair."

"He's the oldest one I live with, my other two roommates are out though. Ace is the most normal one, they're like annoying brothers I have to deal with every day." He chuckles. "So I finally get to see the legendary Isaac Hempsted play."

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