04 - Eloquent Beginnings

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"Alea iacta est"
"The die has been cast"


Have I fallen down into a wormhole into some fucking cliché ass story? This isn't no wattpad story written by teenagers. Shit like this did not happen in the real world. I just so happened to be thinking about that one boy then he bumps into me.

I must've had some of Cortez's special brew because there is no fucking way this is actually happening. This isn't my fault, its fucking Michelangelo's fault. I snigger at the bosses' real name.

I forgot my butt is still splayed on the ground, making me look like a bigger idiot. Just fucking great. Not only do I laugh at myself but do it with my ass on the ground. I swat away the hand reaching out to me and with great difficulty I may add drag my ass off the floor.

The floor could not possibly be sanitary, I need to decontaminate my ass now. I was rambling so much I forgot there is actually some cretin creature in front of me. The same one I'm supposed to be protecting. Again, good one me.

I look up noticing his mouth moving. Fuck has he been talking this entire time I have no idea. Some good assassin I am alright. Wow. His eyes sure were blue, like pools of the ocean. I refrained from physically slapping myself. Focus Eli. I caught the end of his very long winded sentence.

"-rry I really didn't see you. What's your name? I don't think I've ever seen you around here. Are you new?" Asshole. Wait, is he talking to me. Realising I haven't spoken the entire length of our encounter, I better speak.

"I'm Elizabeth" I blurt out. Really fucking smooth dipshit. "I've always went to this school" Asshole I add silently in my thoughts

"Oh okay... I'm Isaac but I think you already knew that." Conceited asshole "Well... this is awkward. I'll see you around Eliza." He shoots a million dollar white smile at me before departing through the rather large crowd which has gathered.

Leaving me startled as whether he had actually been there in the first place. Giving the crowd a glare which would freeze hell over they pretended to go back to their own conversation.

Wait till I tell the guys what the fuck just happened.


"He seriously called you Eliza?" Vi gasps out during bouts of uncontrollable laughter. He's the only one which composed himself enough to ask a question. I knew it was a bad idea telling them in the first place. They all knew how much I hated being called that.

I glare at Vi along with the rest of them. Why did I live with these people?

"At least it makes your job easier if he knows who you are and will recognise you?" Ace offers somewhat helpfully. I groan externally.

"Oh yeah, he'll recognise me as the idiot who didn't watch where they were fucking going. What a great first impression." Sarcasm laced heavy in my voice. "Why did he have to give me this job in the first place?"

"I'm going to have to inflate your already oversized ego here and say you're the best for the job. Boss knew you'd never let anything happen to them, guard them with your own miserable life."

"Gee thanks for calling my life miserable."

"That's the only thing you picked up on? Incredible species females they are."

"I will kill you in your sleep"

"Love you too" Ace fled from the room before I have the time to launch myself at him. I truly would kill him one of these days.

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