09 - To Family

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"Semper inops quicumque cupit"


"Whoever desires is always poor"



Being more than I expected I could only manage out a strangled, stuttered yes. I've never met his family or even been inside his house before. The tutoring sessions have always been in the library. We obviously couldn't use my house and it has never occurred to use his house as a location. I guess that will no doubt change after I meet his mom.

What's more surprising is that I'm kind of nervous. Never having done the whole 'meet the parents' thing even if it's just a friends. The rest of the guys were like me, orphaned whether it be through the same consequences as me, abandonment or drugs and alcohol. So now I'm having a quiet freak out in my room by myself.

Zach has agreed to pick me up outside of this house, I've already vetoed this with the boss and he agreed it would arise suspicions if he didn't pick me up from here. I guess today is a day for firsts. I haven't told the guys of the plans in case they would or definitely take the piss out of me and I wasn't equipped to deal with it just yet.

This is the most I've ever spent antagonising over an outfit for this. He never did give me any specifications. I'm treating this like a fucking first date when we just skipped to the meet the parents' part. I'm getting way ahead of myself here. Way fucking ahead. Deciding on the more casual look yet hiding my tattoos I wore a pair of clean black jeans and a shirt. Converse completed the look to the tee. I had given my head a bit of breathing space before slipping my wig back on again with my glasses. I really did hate having to wear a wig but it's necessary sadly.

My gun holster is safely against the side of my hip concealed over by the fabric of the shirt, my jacket and cardigan. I have years of practice concealing everything so by now I consider myself a pro at hiding things. Unhooking my phone from the charger I slide it into my pocket and begin to head down the stairs, closing my room door behind me. I walk into the living room and are greeted by wolf whistles, I must look nicer than I normally do. Cortez is the first to actually speak

"Going somewhere? You never get this dressed up for little old us."

"As a matter of fact I am." I say smugly. It's sadly unusual that I have plans other than going to work or school.

"Well are you going to tell us where?" Vi asks


"Eli has a date!" They both say in a singsong voice.

"Shut it you pair of immature sacks of blood. Where's Ace? He's usually the more mature one of you lot?"

"Ace is out. Don't know where, I hope he doesn't come back drunk this time." Vi says sadly

"I hope he doesn't either, he's going to drink himself into a stupor."

"I hate to admit it but I'm worried about him." Cortez says quietly

"We all are." I sadly reply

A pregnant silence follows my words until Vi clears his throat and asks his very first question again.

"In all seriousness, where are you going?" Puffing out my cheeks, I've delayed the inevitable long enough. Cortez went to drink a glass of water.

"Going out... to Isaacs's house... to meet his mom."

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