05 - STI Magnet

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"Auribus teneo lupum"
"Holding a wolf by the ears"


Having no other choice than to agree to Mr Turner's arrangement, I reluctantly said yes to tutoring Isaac. I know I have to get to know him sooner or later but I would have preferred on my own terms. I hated a majority of the teachers at this school but he's made number 1 on the list. I have a lot of lists, okay? Many of them were kind of pointless but they helped me keep my head on straight. As always some lists were more important as others. For instance my assignment list was near the top, the school one not the practical kill order. Mr Turner has left Isaac and me to figure out when to do the tutoring sessions. We were walking through the barren hallways of the school.

"I have basketball practice twice a week but any other day is cool for me."

Technically I worked every single night, but it would alert some suspicion for where I work. I wasn't ready to have this conversation. With anyone.

"Alright, we can work around that. Which days do you have practice?" we were able to have a seemingly normal conversation where he didn't act like a conceited jerk for five minutes.

"I have practice Monday, Wednesday after school. Are you free Tuesday?"

"Tuesday is perfect for me. Let's say after last class in the library?"

"We have a library?"

"You do know it's the place with shelves of books? Physical objects binding paper together?" sarcasm heavy in my voice

"Oh ha-ha" he dryly says. We've reached the parking lot by now, the wind rushed through my cardigan making me shiver from the cold. Wrapping it tighter around me I headed for the exit fully intending to walk home when his voice comes from behind me.

"Do you uh... I mean would you like a ride? Since you are going to be my tutor and all?" I thought about saying yes for a moment but I couldn't exactly have him dropping me off at the house. It would give away my location.

"Thanks, but I'm going to pass, I need the exercise if I'm honest." Shooting him a smile to assure him, he nods before saying goodbye. He looks hesitant but jumps into his car anyway and drives off, leaving me alone in the parking lot.

Sighing I shoulder my bag and finally make my way home, this wig has been itching me all day.

When I reached the blue door I turned the key in the lock, opening the door wide. There's no shouting which is unusual, they all must be out on missions or something. My theory proved right when I walked into the kitchen to find it empty.

Opening up the fridge I found some leftover pizza I could heat up to eat. Flashes of the previous arguments in this house turn to the back of my mind but Cortez could bite me. He loved me the most so he could accept it. Whether he wanted to or not.

Sitting down at the island in the middle of the kitchen with a glass of water and the heated up pizza. I pulled my homework assignments out of my bag, put in some earphones and got to work.

Not too long after I had started my phone buzzed on the counter beside me. What I hated about this job is that I couldn't plan anything because a majority of jobs were late at night and usually last minute. I honestly don't know how I survive on how much sleep I get a night and do my school work at the same time. In school they always say balancing a job and school work at the same time is hard work as a senior. I don't think they had my job in mind when they said that.

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