01 - Into the Jungle

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"Carpe Noctem"
"Seize the night"



~Present time~ (6 Months earlier to be exact)

Taking a deep breath, I focused on the task at hand. My job is simple get in and get out. The key is to stay calm and collected. Although I had never been nervous while on an assignment. It became instinct. I swiped my hand across my forehead sweeping my hair away from my face. A clear sight is vital in this operation.

My pointer finger slid to the trigger as the target lined up impeccably. Breathe in, breathe out. I could do this in my sleep. My finger pressed delicately on the trigger before I committed fully to the act. In one quick movement the bullet soared out from the barrel blasting towards the blood bag encased in flesh. Red liquid spouted from the gaping wound at an alarming rate. The deed was complete, another one bites the dust so to say.

The screams of the people in the room resonated upwards into my eardrums, it's like music to my ears. Another member gone closer to the end of it all.

I quickly go to make my escape before anyone noticed me. Promptly I came down from my perch and went towards the ladders. I hold my earpiece as I talk.

"Assignment success, target is down"

The bosses' voice resonates through my ear as they speak

"Excellent, you're done for the night Ghost

"Got it Boss" I speak back.

Slowly descending the ladders to my motor cycle, I rode off into the night.


The howling of the monkeys, the roar of the lions echo through my ears. I hated this goddamned forsaken place. I would be more than happy to take a flamethrower to the entire place. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I kept my head down navigating the halls of the jungle.

People kept bumping into my shoulder, each time it hurt a little bit more. They didn't care, I was nobody, loner, worthless to them. My gun metal eyes scanned the hall ways, I noticed the different animals crowding in groups across the hallway. The school food chain was truly barbaric, at the top you had the 'populars' or the predators who prayed on all the weaker beings. Every single cretin were complete ballsacks. That's how useless they are, like hanging skin.

There was the 'king lion' of the so called jungle Isaac Hempsted, his name even sounded moronic. He is your typical all American next door type of guy with his dirty blond hair; stormy blue eyes, tall muscular figure and was one half of the schools designated 'it' couple. There all a bunch of weeiners if you ask me. If he being such an ignoramus isn't enough, his girlfriend was even worse. She was the queen bitch of the jungle, this wouldn't be interesting if she wasn't the head cheerleader or wait for it... a complete airhead. My life is like the plot of a wattpad book I swear. I had never had the utmost pleasure of talking to the skin bags but for my sanity I hope I never did.

The rest of the food chain wasn't as thick headed as the populars. I could stand to be around a small percentage of them for the extended periods of time. But it took too much effort trying be friends with any of the beings, there is only a few months left of the school year anyway. I would never see the majority of them ever again. Good riddance.

The excruciating walk to my locker finally ended, grabbing what I needed for the day ahead. Re-adjusting my baggy cardigan around my shoulders I swung my satchel on my shoulder. Sauntering to my first class I had a whole day to put up with all of these fuckwits.

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