Reassurance [61]

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Jack sighed, knowing he didn't have a hood on his coat for shitty weather like this. Which is stupid, as you'd think for someone who lived in Ireland, he'd be more prepared as the rain there never fucking stopped half the time. Nice weather was rare back at home.

After this, he was probably going to get sick, as the rain was just hammering down on his head, plastering his green hair to his forehead. But he didn't really care. It was the very last thing that was on his mind. The only thing he could think about was being there for Signe as she sounded so distraught on the phone.

Why wasn't she crying to Michael? Why had she called him? It made no sense. Surely she would have gone to him if they were staying together. Was he out? Unreachable? Did something happen to him?

Many questions just kept buzzing through his mind, thinking about the possible scenario right until Jack made it to the hotel she was staying at. She had texted him her room number, so getting there and finding her wasn't going to be much of a problem.

Passing door after door, Jack eventually reached the right one which had the same number displayed upon it which was also on the phone. The Irishman lightly knocked, waiting for a response.

"Signe? You there?" Jack muttered, waiting for a reply. He heard shuffling inside, just before the door clicked open, revealing Signe standing there, still in a sobbing mess with mascara and eyeliner running down her face. Jack's eyes widened, not expecting to see her like that.

"Hey..." She managed to get out between a sob. Jack slowly shook his head, stepping forward and taking her into a comforting hug. She smiled a little, hugging him in return before they parted and she let him in, closing the door.

"Signe... What happened?"

"Can we sit down first before I start explaining and... Probably start crying again?" Signe whispered. Jack nodded, going to sit on the edge of her bed, with her sitting next to him. He frowned, putting an arm across her shoulder and sighed.


Signe wiped her eyes, avoiding all eye contact with Jack. She just exhaled again, opening her mouth to explain.

"Michael and me had a stupid fight... You probably noticed we were pretty quiet earlier today, huh?"

"O-Oh... I thought you guys might have just been stressed, or tired or something..."

"No, we had a stupid disagreement about what we wanted to do about the apartment when we moved here... And he just stormed out and... I think he's going to break up with me...!" She whined, putting her hands up to her face as she sobbed even harder. Jack sadly looked down, keeping his arm around her as she cried.

His eyes trailed back up towards her face. She wasn't looking at him, but he gave her a look of sympathy, feeling genuinely sorry for her. He took one of his hands, using it to flick a strand of hair out of her face.

"Hey... Come on. You don't know that. Couples fight all the time, it happens."

"Do... Do you and Mark argue?" Signe questioned from behind her hands. Jack chuckled, nodding to himself.

"Oh, like you wouldn't believe, as of lately, yeah." Jack paused. "But even though he's been drivin' me crazy... I still love him. More than anythin'... He's just... He's just been having a difficult time. So I'm willing to wait until things get resolved."

"I see... You two must be perfect for each other."

"Well, no one is perfect. It's impossible for couples to be happy all the time... For example, I bet even Matt and Amanda have had their fair share of fights, but they're still together strong. Even with a kid... If you truly love one another, if you really care... Then you should be willing to try and make it work."

Signe sat, thinking for a moment. She slowly removed her hands from her face, wiped her eyes and smiled at Jack, looking grateful.

"Right... Thanks for coming over, Jack... You really know how to make me feel better."

"Course. Don't feel like you can't talk to me when you don't know who to talk to. As your friend, I'm always here." Jack grinned.

"Yeah, thanks. Even when it's pissing down with rain, you'd come. You're too kind, Jack." She smiled. "Well, I think I'll be okay... You might as well go back to Mark. I doubt he was happy with you going home and then going back out to see me again, so..."

"Are you sure? If you want me to stay, I can. I wanna make sure you're okay."

"I'll be fine, really. Now that you were here."

Jack smiled. He looked down again for a moment, before looking back at her and giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head and lightly ruffling her hair with his hand as he got up.

"You guys will sort it out, don't you even worry."

"Yeah... I know... See you, Jack."

"Yeah, see you." Jack waved, heading towards the door. He opened it, glanced over his shoulder towards her and gave her a final smile before finally stepping out into the hall, closing it behind him.

Sadly, it was still raining once he got outside, so he was going to have to get drenched once more. Once he got home, he was probably going to have to take a hot shower or something. Something to really warm him up and relax his muscles as after everything he was honestly just so tensed up.

Shivering in his coat, he got home with the water above continuing to pound into his clothes repeatedly. He quietly opened the door, as to not disturb Mark in case he went to sleep. He silently shut the door behind him too, still remaining as sneaky as possible.

However, he still noticed that the light in the living room was on. He pouted, wondering whether or not Mark must have just left it on by mistake, or maybe he really was still awake. He was going to have go check, just to make sure.

So, making sure to still be like a silent ninja, Jack practically tiptoed to the open living room doorway.

But, what he saw made him stop in his tracks, his eyes widened and his blood ran cold...

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