Wait what? [7]

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"Wait, what...?" Matt gawked. "So, you're meaning to to tell me that you once had a crush on your best friend? On Jack?"

"That he has a crush." Ryan said.

"Shut up, Ryan! I do not--!"

"Mark, you noticed it for god sake! I saw the look on your face just then, when you tried to deny it. It's the truth and you know it!" Ryan countered. Mark sighed, burying his face in his hands, like he was full of shame.

"Did you like him when you were with Amy?" Matt wondered.

"I don't know..." Mark mumbled into his hands. Ryan glanced at Matt for a moment, before looking back to Mark to reply.

"I think you did..."

"What? What makes you think that?!" Mark cried, looking up from his hands.

"Because of the way you act towards him. You can never keep your hands off him, and when you two play together, it's like you're both off in your own little world."

"So?! What has that got to do with anything?! That doesn't mean I like him!"

"As I recall..." Matt spoke. "I remember that Markiplier and friends panel that you did with him and Wade... There's videos on YouTube of that panel but with people just counting the amount of times you touched Jack. It was like, a total of 17 times. Not to mention you willingly massaged his hand."

"You watch videos of Septiplier?"

"Well, we all ship it, Mark." Ryan joked with smile, before his face faded back to looking more serious. "Look, Mark, you can't deny you liked Jack once. I'm not saying you never loved Amy, because obviously you did. It's why you're so upset. But even while you were with her, I feel like those feelings were still there. You may have just not noticed it. And if you go over there to Ireland in the state you're in, I feel like you'll go and do something stupid, like, I don't know? Make a move on Jack?"

"Why would I...?" Mark frowned. "Look, Ryan... I just want to see Jack because... I don't know, he instantly makes me feel better. Having him around always feels like it fills a sense of loneliness with just pure joy... Sure, okay, maybe I liked him once. But do I like him now...?"

The two stared at him intently, waiting for his answer.

"Well? Do you?" Matt pressed.

"I... I don't..." Mark trailed off, before biting down on his lips with a sad look in his eyes. "Oh fuck..." He murmured, running his hands through his hair.

"So you do!" Ryan exclaimed. No answer, which was pretty much an answer in itself at this point. "I fucking knew it!"

"Yeah well, it's kinda problematic... Jack has a girlfriend." Matt pointed out.

"Yes, I know that. That's why I'm telling Mark NOT to go to Ireland. It's not a good idea."

"But I want to see him... Please, Ryan. Don't argue with me... I just... After breaking up with Amy, I need someone who can always make me smile. And I don't mean to say that as to offend you guys, you guys are important to me too, and you're always there for me but... I need Jack. And not just over a computer screen..." Mark whispered, his voice cracking as he placed his hand over his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he was once again on the verge of tears. Ryan sighed, feeling terrible for Mark.

"So, you really want to go and see Jack?" Ryan said.


"Mark..." Ryan paused. "If you want to, go right ahead. But whatever happens is up to you, not us."

"I swear I'm just going to see him as a friend, Ryan... I know I'm not in a good place, it's hard trying to stop myself from bursting into tears now but... I know seeing Jack will help me. He always helps me."

"Well, then go see him then." Matt smiled.

"And tell us how things went when you get back." Ryan added, stepping forward and giving his friend a hug. Matt grinned, also joining in on the hug, making it a group hug before the three departed.

"Well, I guess I'll see you two in a few days."


That movie was pretty good. Jack thought to himself, as he and Signe were leaving the cinema later that evening, hand in hand.

"We should really go see movies in 3D more often!" Signe spoke, earning a nod of agreement of Jack, as he looked at his phone.

"I won't argue with that. Also, thanks for comin' to the cinema with me today for my birthday. It really means a lot." Jack answered, before frowning and putting his phone away. Signe rose a brow at her boyfriend.

"What's up?"

"Nothing..." Jack exhaled. "It's just... I'm kinda worried about Mark."

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, I haven't heard from him in days. He hasn't been posting on Twitter, Instagram or even YouTube. I feel like something bad must've happened..."

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I noticed that too... Wonder what he's doing..."

"Wish I knew. It's really freaking me out. I haven't seen him this inactive in forever."

"Hey, maybe he's just fine, you never know."

I really hope so... Jack thought. It was really unusual for Mark to be this inactive. Not unless something really extreme and dire came up. And that's what scared him. If he was going on a break and was just going to be away for a few days, he would have expected him to have at least said something about it. Not just drop out out of the blue.

When Jack got home, Signe decided to stay downstairs while Jack went up to his room to go on his computer. He spent some of his time, just trying to respond to comments on YouTube and Twitter. He even had comments from people asking him where Mark had gone.

I wish I knew...

He also had people wishing him Happy Birthday on Twitter. Even Signe on her Twitter account, even though they had spent the day together.

"I wiishu a happy birthday." Her tweet said, which made him smile as it was a play on her Twitter name. He liked her tweet, including several others from friends and fans. However, the only person who he usually expected a tweet or a message from, hadn't said a thing. That was Mark.

It was then that Jack went over to Mark's channel, seeing that still, nothing new had been uploaded. Nothing had been uploaded for at least a good few days. Jack really wanted to know why. He was so damn worried about his best friend...

Shutting off his computer, he decided it had been a long day and that he needed to rest for the night. He'd spend tomorrow recording more videos to upload and hopefully, just maybe, hearing from Mark on Skype...

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