Taking Care Of Troye

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"Crazy Troye is back!" Tyde said laughing as he put an arm around me and played with my hair as I finally started to see straight.

"WHO GAVE HIM CANDY?" I said loudly as our friends laughed and a few other people gave me strange looks, I didn't really care.

"I got a bunch of candy at me meet and greet!" Troye said jumping up and down not able to stay still. I face palmed as I realized he had no candy with him. I sneezed quietly, silently cursing that on guy whole was low key dying with the plague when I met him.

"Where is it then?" Tyler asked as they all agreed looking around.

"He ate it all." I said as half of them laugh and half of them face palmed. My stomach turned at the thought, I better not be getting sick.

"Mate you're going to throw up." Joe said as Caspar held his stomach and bent over in his chair.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick just thinking about it." Caspar said as he covered his mouth and we all moved away from him slightly.

"Zoe do you know how freaking small you are it's adorable!" He said as he continued to shake Zoe back and forth.

"Troye! Put me down, and I'm not that small!" She said in defense as he kept shaking her around and squeezing her. I quickly got up and jumped in between them as he held her out to look at how small she is.

"I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!" I said putting out both of my arms as Zoe Tyler started laughing as he realized how ridiculous this all is. He put Zoe down and went to grab me when I jumped out of the way and ran around our friends as he chased me.

"Oh I don't feel so good." He said stopping and holding his stomach. I quickly ran over and grabbed a nearby trash can, I put it under his mouth as he threw up. I knew this was going to happen, why would he eat it all? He stopped and I put it down as he held his stomach, our friends were worried but disgusted at the same time.

"Looks like you need a hug." I said opening my arms and hugging him softly not wanting to make him throw up again.

"Alicia I wouldn't." Tyde said making me let go, as I stepped back Troye threw up all over the front me. They all looked away in disgust as I just stood there with my arms out.

"Oh my god Alicia I'm so sorry!" Troye said embarrassed while covering his mouth.

"Its okay Troyeboy, I still love you." I said as I took a deep breath and looked at him. The sight broke my heart, he was on the brink of tears and looked as if I just wanted to melt into the ground.

"Here take this." Tyde said not looking at me as he passed me his jacket.

"I will be right back, Tyler call an über. I'm taking Troye home and getting changed, we are done for the day." I said calmly as I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Okay." Tyler said quickly pulling out his phone as I reached the door. I opened it and saw the end of a line waiting to get inside, they all went silent as they looked at me. They started to whisper as they stared at me as I walked by making me incredibly nervous.

"Here's a fun fact. If you leave Troye Sivan with a load of candy he will eat it all." I said as I quickly rushed into the building. I sprinted to the bathrooms and quickly cleaned up, I changed into Tyde's jacket that was thankfully way to big for me. I rinsed most of the vomit out of my clothes and wrapped them up in paper towels then washed my hand ten times.

As soon as I left the bathrooms I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw Shane Dawson, I automatically felt like dying.

"I'm really sorry but I really have to go take care of Troye he's sick and I have to take him home." I said holding up my clothes. He looked at confused then stared as I rushed away. I want to die, he probably thinks I'm a terrible person with no sense of style. Sorry Tyde.

"Über is outside." Troye said looking at the ground as he held the door for me. I waved goodbye to our friends as they gave me sympathetic looks. After five minutes of Troye staring sadly out the window I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He didn't look at me he just smiled making my heart warm up.

As soon as we got home I threw my dirty clothes in the laundry and changed into done shorts and a big shirt. Once Troye's all set I'll take a shower, I feel gross.

"I'm really sorry." Troye said looking up at me with his big blue eyes. I put my hand on my hips and gave him a stern look.

"Troyeboy, I don't care that you got sick all over me. But, I care that you're beating yourself up. Stop it." I said firmly as he nodded slowly as he sat down on the couch, my head got a sharp pain as I walked towards the kitchen. I better not get sick. I got an ice pack and wrapped it an a washcloth. I walked over to Troye and leaned in and started feeling his face.

"My head hurts." He said looking at me weakly as a gave him the ice pack, I grabbed some Tylenol and gave it to him while sitting next to him. He curled up into my lap as I sat there playing with his curls with one hand. And holding the ice pack with another until he started to fall asleep.

"Thank You Ali, I love you." Troye said as he drifted off to sleep, I smiled as I looked down at him.

Four hours later

Every now and again Troye wakes up in pain keeping me awake. I am most definitely sick at this point. I feel nauseous, my stomach hurts, I have a pounding headache, my eyes are puffy, and I have a runny nose. I feel like sleeping for years but I want to help Troye. I looked up at his sleeping body as he laid on the couch. Next to me was the trash can I brought over and cold washcloths, warm washcloths, medicine, ice packs, and water and crackers if he needs to eat.

The boy's should be home soon, it's getting late. I struggled to keep my eyes open as I laid down on the carpet exhausted. I took one small glance at Troye before falling asleep.

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