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I woke up I was laying on the couch at the cabin, it didn't look anything like the other one though. It was much bigger and it was already dark, I looked up and saw Troye looking down at me.

"Troye?" I asked confused as he helped me sit up.

"Are you ok?" He said as I nodded confused

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked as he looked at me concerned.

"Well after you fell asleep in the car we didn't want to wake you up so I tried to bring you inside but I tripped and you fell. On the ground." He said looking away from me as I laughed while shaking my head.

"Troye I think I'm going crazy!" I said as I grabbed a throw pillow and put it on his lap then laid down.

"Why?" He said as he played with my hair bored as I closed my eyes.

"Because I swear I just had the weirdest dream. It felt so weird, everyone was there then we're was this really cute guy but he was annoying. And his name was Tide but with an I, then his older brothers name was Troy. Then you were like I'm Troye with an e, then his little sister was Sage. And I bet his dad's name was Steele or Shawn." I said quickly as he laughed then stopped.

"Wait after I dropped you this guy who was cute to be honest came over to see if you were ok. You woke up for about thirty seconds before you fell back asleep. So everyone left to go shopping for the week." Troye explained as I opened my eyes and looked up and into his blue eyes.

"Am I crazy?" I asked him upset as he smiled down at me.

"No, no, no way!" He said as he twisted a piece of my hair around his finger.

"Really?" I asked with a small smile on my face as he sighed.

"No, your a complete lunatic." He said kissing the top of my head, as I glared at him.

"Wait, the boy is real?" I asked with one eyebrow arched as he groaned and stuck his head up towards the ceiling.

"Don't tell Tyde I told you, it was supposed to be a secret!" He said looking down at me with big eyes, I scrunched up my face trying to resist the cuteness but I gave in.

"Fine! But why was it a secret?" I asked confused as he decided on wether or not to tell me.

"Because the first thing Zoë did when she saw him was look at Tyde." He said sighing as I looked up at him still confused.

"What does that mean?" I said as he groaned really not wanting to tell me.

"It was basically like, hey that's a really cute guy! Aka this is a heartbreaker, relationship destroyer!" He said smacking his hands together making me laugh as he made them fight.

"How do you know he would even like me anyways?" I said smiling at him as he sighed and looked down at me.

"This doesn't mean anything because I'm very gay. But look at you! Your eyes are like a blue color that isn't even able to be described." He said as I just smiled then thought about it.

"My eyes are like the color of the bottom of Cinderella's dress that got small grass stains on." I said as he laughed and shook his head.

"What is it with you and Tyler always coming up with the weirdest names for colors. On time he told me my shirt was the underbelly of a sad blue whale!" He said as I laughed, that's a good one. I might have to steal it.

"So what if my eyes are pretty? Plenty of people have pretty eyes." I said as he thought about it for a second.

"You are incredibly pretty, your funny, you're probably the biggest dork I've ever met in my life, and you have the biggest heart I've ever seen in my life." He said as I just laughed and shook my head no as he sighed and nodded yes.

"I once punched a girl in the face and cut off her ponytail because she said she shipped Tronnor. Plus my heart is only the size of my fist and mines not that big." I said as he started laughing hysterically. As I held up my fist to his face, he swatted it away as I lightly punched his face.

"Ok, that's a little excessive." He said laughing as I shrugged and smiled up at him.

"I was on my period and was having way to many cramps to deal with her dissing my ships!" I said as he made a disgusted face that made me laugh.

"Ew ew ew ew ew, don't talk about that!" He said squirming around as I laughed.

"What it's apart of life! Do you know how much it hurts? It's like someone cut open your stomach as is just twisting everything up!" I said a I put my arms in the air and pretended to twist around a stomach. I started laughing as he cringed making me laugh even harder as he gagged. The door opened as everyone walked in very confused, I laughed as Troye gagged even more.

"What's going on?" Alfie said laughing at Troye as I sat up and held my stomach.

"I was telling Troye about periods and how bad the cramps are and how-"

"I don't want to know!" He yelled as all of the boys covered their ears and closed their eyes like children.

"Just wait until they have kids, what are they going to do?" Zoë said as we laughed and grabbed the groceries. Eventually they came in and helped us out the groceries away.

"So on a scale how cute was the guy?" I asked Zoë as they all stared at Troye cussing their arms.

"Alicia! You promised!" He said in a baby voice as I shook my head no.

"You said not to tell Tyde you told me, I asked Zoë a question!" I stated as he rolled his eyes and looked at the ground while everyone shook their head at him.

"He was like a solid nine." Zoë whispered to me as I nodded and Alfie looked her shocked.

"I want to know because I had this weird dream and we were all there but then there was this other guy, then nothing made sense and I think I'm going crazy. It's the whole no wifi thing!" I said as I sat down on a nearby chair.

"Alicia you have serious issues!" Tyler said giggling as I sighed.

"I think I'm going through withdrawals!" I said concerned as they all laughed.

"Alicia, it hasn't even been a full day yet!" Zoë said walking over to me and hugging me.

"I'm going to die here." I said seriously as they all laughed at my pain.

"Alicia this will be so good for you!" Tyde said laughing at me.

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