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It's been a week since the whole incident with Troye happened and it's been so awkward, Troye and I never talked to each other unless necessary. All the drama died out and I had Tyde help me learn how to play Wild on the piano for my project, which I aced by the way. Everything is back to normal except for us, and Tyde and Tyler have noticed. I was laying on my bed when Tyde came in and thew me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I said giggling as he walked into the Tyler's room and sat me down on the floor as they both looked at me.

"You need to get over whatever is going on! You'll be let out when you're back!" Tyler yelled as Tyde slammed the door and locked it. I turned around seeing Troye looking at me nervous, I looked at him confused.

"Why do you look so nervous?" I asked him quietly as I watched him look at the wall.

"Because you hate me!" He said sadly as I sighed and walked over to him.

"Troye I love you! I always have! You're like my baby, you're my darling baby boy Troye!" I said hugging him as he hugged me back.

"Alicia, I love you to! I thought you hated me after I kissed you!" He said picking me up smiling.

"No just very very uncomfortable, I love you to death Troye but if you ever kiss me again I might kill you. You can kiss me as long as it's not on my lips!" I said seriously as he set me down and kissed my forehead, making me smile.

"I love you Alicia!" Troye yelled as Tyde busted in angry.

"We're free!" I said happily as I left the room skipping around happy.

"We're not awkward!" Troye said as we hugged and the bid cheered.

"Finally!" Tyler cheered as we all smiled, a knock on the door and I skipped happily towards it I opened it and immediately stopped smiling.

"You!" I scowled at the twins as I shut the door in their face and walked into my room my room. I heard Tyler open the door and talk to them, I heard the door shut and I walked out.

"Hey." They said as I walked pass them over to Troye and Tyde, I put my arms around both of them and scowled at them.

"So Bliss made me come down here to ask you something but I feel like now is a bad time!" One of them said turning around as the other pulled him back.

"Can we talk to you outside?" He said as I looked up at my boys then back at them.

"Fine! But I have witnesses!" I said as walked outside with them and the boys walked me out side. As soon as one of them closed the door, the other kissed me on the lips. I looked at him confused then at each of them, then it hit me.

"Oh are you both?" I asked confused as the one that kissed me laughed and shook his head.

"Nope!" The other said pulling me towards him as kissing me, I kneed him right between the legs then ran inside and did the whole process. I'm getting a feeling this has happened before oh yeah Troye! I heard Tyde run in after me as I asked him why again.

"Why does everyone keep kissing me?!?" I asked throwing my hands in the air while Tyde kissed my face. He grabbed my face and started kissing every single space on my face tickling me causing me to start giggling. After he stopped we both walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

"Why didn't you go in after the first one kissed you?" Troye said amused as I gave him the shut up look.

"Well Troyeboy, because when he kissed me it reminded me a certain gay. Then I thought, he's gay! Then I wondered is the other one then turns out he wasn't." I said remembering the moment as my face went pale then my eyes started watering. Tyler walked in and quickly picked me up and ran me to the bathroom.

"Not on my carpet! He yelled as he opens the door and sat me in front of the toilet as I threw up. The Mellet boys ran after us worried as I tried to shut the door on them.

"Please go away!" I said before throwing up into the toilet as Tyler shut the door and held back my hair while rubbing my back.

"What happened? Are you sick?" He asked as I shook my head no. I threw up one more one before my stomach felt empty, I wiped my mouth with toilet paper then held onto Tyler tired.

"Both twins kissed me then I thought about it and I just felt sick." I said as Tyler helped me stand up and get my toothbrush to get the gross taste out of my mouth. I brushed my teeth then jumped on Tyler's back as he carried me into my room.

"Are you ok?" Tyde said as I nodded as I laid down in my bed tired.

"I didn't think of kissing him after it happened until I explained it then I instantly felt sick." I said as Tyde smiled and sat down next to me playing with my hair as I started to fall asleep.

"Good." He said as I looked up at him with a questioning look.

"Why is me throwing up good?" I groaned as I closed my eyes.

"No it's good that I made your feel gross instead of good." He said as I laughed.

"I only like it when you kiss me, unless it was Niall Horan from One Direction." I said as he gave me the are you kidding me look making me laugh as he sighed.

"He is good looking." Tyde agreed making me laugh.

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