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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to marygbright for always leaving funny comments that brighten my day! You're life will be complete by the end of this chapter, if you know what I mean. 😂 Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!

We all sat on the couch together as Tyde and Tyler went through the notes together. All of a sudden Troye moved from next to me and sat next to Tyler. I looked at him confused as he showed Tyler his phone, he laughed then shook his head.

"Guys we had a problem." Tyler said as we looked at them worried.

"Um there's a new ship, but it's causing a twitter war!" Troye said as I looked at them confused.

"What is it?" I asked confused as Tyde looked at me then Troye thinking.

"Oh my- no! That's so-no!" Tyde said standing up as I looked at him confused as he walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"What!" I said still confused as Troye turned the phone showing me the picture of Troye and I at the restaurant. We just did took the picture to stop the Tylicia drama not start a war!

"Please tell me there's not a cute name! If it's cute then we're screwed!" I said as he scrolls down and reads it aloud.

"Troylicia!" He said laughing as I hugged Tyde upset, I'm so screwed.

"I'm so screwed! The number one ship in our school is Troyler!" I said looking at them scared as my phone rang, it was Bliss.

"If Bliss is calling about this then it's serious!" I said as I slowly answered.

"GIRL GIVE ME ANSWERS! TYLICIA OR TROYLICIA? MY PHONE IS BLOWING UP!" She yelled as I held the phone away from me.

"It's that bad?" I said sadly as I saw everyone on their phones. Tyler and Troye's lap tops both started getting Skype calls at the same time.

"Don't worry tomorrow I'll gather the girls and get in formation, no one will get to you on our watch!" She said surly as I saw it was our parents Skyping us.

"Bliss I got to go! And thank you!" I said hanging up and sitting in front of Tyler's computer with him while the boys were together on Troye's.

"What is going on?" Our moms said at the same time, we all looked at them worried.

"Help us!" We all said desperately, as they looked at us worried.

"Mom they'll kill me at school, I've got the most popular girl in school calling me telling she's gathering up people to form a shield around me at school!" I said panicking as she looked at Tyler.

"Ty, do you want me to come and get her, I'll bring her back to Michigan." She said worried as I looked at him.

"No, this will blow over!" She said quickly as I nodded.

"It better! If it's not over by the end of the week I'm getting her." She said as I heard Tyde gasp.

"Switch!" Troye yelled as we switched lap tops.

"What do I do?" I asked the Mellets desperately as they looked at each other then at us.

"What's the truth?" Shawn said as I quickly answered already knowing.

"It's Tylicia and Troyler." I said surely knowing my answer.

"Then that's all that matters! Eventually it will go away!" He said as Tyler and I agreed.

"Thank you!" I said as we all said bye and hung up. I looked t the boys as they looked at us.

"So what did they tell you to do?" Troye said giggling as Tyde crossed his arms angrily.

"Thy told us eventually it would go away!" I said as Troye got up and walked over to my taking my hand and pulling me off the couch and towards him. I looked at Tyler and Tyde confused as Tyde whispered something in his ear. He looked at me angrily than tried to say something but Tyde covered his mouth.

"If she knows then it won't work!" Troye said as I turned to look at him. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist while looking in my eyes.

"T-troye w-what are you d-doing?" I asked him uncomfortable and confused as he got closer to me, if that's even possible!

"Just relax." He said leaning in as I heard Tyler cover Tyde's mouth as he tried to talk.

"Troye I swear to-" I was cut off by Troye slowly kissing me. My eyes widened as I quickly pushed him off me and ran to kitchen and washing my mouth out with water as he laughed.

"Yep, still gay!" He said sitting down next to an angry Tyler, Tyde quickly got up and hit Troye as he ran over to me. I ran past Tyde and into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth and scrubbed my tongue.

"W-why?" I said as I spit out the tooth paste as Tyde came in with a cup of water looking relieved as I quickly took it from and washed out my mouth. I walked back into the living room with Tyde looking everywhere but at Troye.

"Alicia are you alright?" Troye said as I realized something and my eyes widened.

"Troye, who old are you? I mean I obviously already know but say it out loud." I said looking at the deer picture, refusing to look at him.

"I'm twenty one." He said confused as Tyler gasped as he saw what I getting at.

"And how old am I?" I asked Tyde gasped realizing what happened.

"Sixteen? Alicia I'm confused what does this have anything to with me kissing you?" He said confused as face palmed and looked at him.

"I'm underage Troye! That's illegal in America!" I said as he gasped and looked at Tyler.

"No one can ever know!" He said quickly as we all agreed and promised to forget about it. But we all knew we couldn't forget something big like that, especially Troye and I.

Tyler's Little Drama Queen{ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora