Dead By Daylight

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"GAAHHH! OH MY GAAAAADDDDD!NOOOO!" Mark yelled as I beat him at Mario again. I fell backwards laughing while Mark yelled and threw a fit, Jack and Ryan were laughing hysterically at the whole thing. All of the other guys who were living with Mark were out at meetings and stuff except Ryan so it made me feel more comfortable, it didn't know the other guys and I think I would feel a little uncomfortable with all of them here. So far we had played so many different games and I beat him at all of them. We went back to Mario after I said that I could use a handicap and still beat him.

"You can't beat me at anything unless it's scary!" I said laughing at him but instantly stopped as he turns his head and smirked at me evilly then ran off somewhere.

"Jack! Ryan! Dead by Daylight!" Mark yelled as I quickly got up and tried to stop them.

"No! I hate that game so much! I literally hide in the comments every time!" I said as I held onto Jack's arm trying to pull him away from the game.

"You're not getting out of this Alicia!" Mark said laughing as he picked me up and sat me down in front of a computer with the game loading. I groaned and picked up the controller and look at Jack for help he just smiled at me sympathetic.

"I don't even know the controls or how to play!" I said trying to think of every excuse to get out of this. Jack held up his controller and started explaining the controls, after that he started to tell me how to play the game.

"Mark is going to be the monster guy, so we have to start up the generators without getting caught by Mark. If you mess up then Mark can see it and catch you, once we get all of the generators a door will open and we can escape. If you get caught the Mark will carry you to a hook and throw you on it, you can struggle but it makes you die quicker. But Ryan or I can come and unhook you before the big spider looking bitch from the sky comes and kills you." He said as the game loaded and we choose our characters and started the game.

"I know how to play unfortunately, Mark are you the invisible guy?" I asked as I moved around and tried to find a generator. I found one and started to fix it, I saw someone run over and start to help fix it.

"Maybe." He said lowly while chuckling as I groaned, I let out a yelp as the other person messed up.

"$hit!" Jack said as we heard the bell and Mark started to form, I closed my eyes while I moved forward not wanting to play anymore.

"Alicia open your eyes!" Ryan said laughing as I peeked one eye open and saw that I was just running against a wall. I quickly ran away and went back to the generator as Jack yelled while Mark chased him, I cheered when I finished it.

"Only three more!" Jack said as he got away from Mark but injured. I heard Mark laughing evilly and my heart started beating.

"Is that my heart in real life or the game?" I asked scared as they all laughed.

"Run! He's close!" Ryan said as I saw that Jack had just finished another generator.

"Only two more!" I yelled happily as Mark groaned, I heard Ryan yell as I saw that his character was down.

"I gotcha!" Mark yelled laughing darkly as he picked him up and started walking towards a hook.

"Wiggle!" I said panicked as I messed up on a generator.

"I'm too close to a hook!" He said as I saw that his character got hooked, I messed up and left the generator and started to make my way towards the hook.

"Oh Alicia, what was that?" He said evilly sending chills down my back as I tried to get to Ryan.

"Nothing!" I said back quickly making them laugh, Jack finished a generator leaving one more.

"Ahhh!" Jack yelled as I saw that his character was injured, I quickly ran up to Ryan and unhooked him.

"You're free!" I said happily as we both ran away and started working on a generator.

"What no!" Mark said as he started to panic, I saw that Jack got hook and I quickly ran away. I ran straight into Mark and yelled as he hit me making me slower. I pulled down planks of wood slowing him down. I quickly unhooked Jack and Ryan finished the generator, I ran towards a door but was attached by Mark.

"Alicia!" Jack yelled laughing while I wiggled trying to get away.

"Go on without me!" I yelled laughing as I saw a hook, I saw that both of them had escaped and that I was so close to getting free.

"Finally!" Mark said happily as he was about to put me on a hook, I got free and started laughing hysterically as Mark started freaking out.

"Yay!" I yelled out as we all laughed except for Mark who was raging, I ran out the door and quickly let go of the remote not wanting to play again.

"But that's not fair!" Mark yelled out as I started laughing hysterically and saw that I got a message on my phone. I checked it and saw that it was already 10:15.

"How is it already 10:15?" I asked in disbelief as they stopped laughing and pouted.

"No! That's not fair!" Jack said as he looked at the time, we all got up and hugged each other then got ready to leave.

(Time skip brought to you by Mark raging)

I waved goodbye to them as they drove off, I opened the door and walked inside I saw Troye sitting on the couch and I ran over and jumped next to him.

"Alicia!" He yelled scared as he grabbed his heart, I laughed and hugged him tightly as I suddenly felt very tired.

"Troyeboy!" I yelled as I started to fall asleep while hugging him.

"Tired?" He asked laughing while I nodded and began to fall asleep while hugging him.

Tyler's Little Drama Queen{ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora