A Break....down

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Cameron's P.O.V

I stood in front of my mirror staring at myself. Why do I hurt everyone that loves me? Why do I keep fucking up? Why did I hit her? Why? Why? Why?!

I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier by the minute but this time there were no voices...normally when I get angry they're there but it was just silent....

I slammed my fist into the mirror punching it continuously and shouting profanities. If I can't have Kristen what the fuck is the point of living?! It makes no sense...

I stopped and stared at the blood running down the mirror...I couldn't feel a thing but I know I was hurt some way....

"Woah Cameron is this what happens when we leave you? You hurt yourself more without us....we should leave more often."

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Be honest do you really want us to shut up?"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed hitting my forehead.

"You want us to shut up? Okay there's a piece of glass on the ground, put it to your wrist."

I searched frantically, finding it and sitting on the ground.

"You know what to do, just cut until everything goes black."

I stared at it for awhile then I started cutting seeing my blood basically pouring on the ground. "I'm stupid, I'm a huge fuck up...I made her leave, I killed the baby..." I said as I cut deeper with each sentence.

Then as promised...everything started going black.

Sometime later

I opened my eyes and pain rushed through my hand. "Fuck." I mumbled slowly getting up and looking at my hand that hand long slices on them and bits of glass were in my fist.

I sighed as I got up. I need to see Kristen.

About five hours later

I parked a little bit away from the apartment and went up seeing a guy. "Uh hey..come here." I said and he walked slowly. "I'll give you two hundred dollars if you go knock at that door and ask the girl there if she's okay or needs anything." I said and he shrugged walking to the door and I stood by the wall.

"Good morning." I heard him say and I could feel her warm, light smile. "So I'm doing this thing where I go around and ask how everyone's doing so...how are you today? Do you need anything?" He asked.

"Oh? Well I'm fine and no I don't need anything Cameron." She said and I kinda froze....how did she even....

I sighed walking to where I could be seen. I took out the money and gave it to the guy and he sprinted away. "Hey Kristen." I said and she stared at me.

"I told you I'd call when I needed you."

"But that's the thing you'll never need me..." I said and I felt the tears coming on. Fuck I hate crying.

She sighed and then looked at my hand that was wrapped all the way to my elbow...that's where the slices stop. "What happened to your hand?" She asked.

"Nothing uhm how are you?"

"Cameron don't try to change the subject...come here." She said and I walked towards her. She took my hand and slowly unwrapped it gasping when she saw them. "Cameron what did you do?" She asked and I sighed.

"I don't know...I don't know anything anymore....without you it's like my mind is in chaos." I mumbled and that's when she broke down.

"Y-you can't just don't this...i-i can't lose you too, no." She cried hugging me. "Don't leave me, p-please." She cried and I hugged her with my right hand, kissing her forehead.

"I won't baby. Don't worry." I whispered kissing her forehead and she pulled me inside to her bedroom. She pulled me down beside her and placed her head on my chest kissing my bruises.

"Promise me you'll never hurt yourself like this again." She said and I sighed. "Cameron."

"Kristen I don't wanna make another promise to you that I know I can't keep." I mumbled.

"I'll come back to you if you do and I can help you with it." She said.

"Okay....I...I...I promise." I mumbled and she quickly kissed my lips.

"I love you." She said and I smiled lightly.

"I love you more."

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