Untold Stories

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You have three seconds to say goodbye 1, 3." He said and he raised his knife.

"No!" I shouted as the blood fell.



Cameron's P.O.V

I stared in shock at the blood on the ground. I couldn't believe I was standing in front of.... Jason's dead body..

"Sorry man I couldn't let you kill her." Jaxon mumbled as he let go of his body. Kristen's body fell limp as he caught her. "Hey, hey, you're safe now." He whispered to her, lifting her up.

"Jaxon, thanks man, I-"

"Look Cameron I didn't do it for you, Kristen didn't deserve to die for whatever conflict you and that psycho had, that story is all too familiar to you now." He said glaring at me.

I knew exactly what he was talking about.


"Cameron man we shouldn't be doing this." Jaxon says as I slowly opened the door of boss' office.

"Stop being a pussy, we need that money bro." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Just hurry up." He mumbled and I grinned opening the safe a taking out as much stacks as I could. "Shit Cameron someone's coming." He whispered and we quickly hid.

Our boss grabbed some papers then left and we exhaled. "We need to go, that was too close." He said and I nodded.

~the next day

"Cameron! Get up we have a meeting." Jaxon said slapping me and I groaned as I got up and walked downstairs. This better be good.

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase, someone stole money from me last night and I wanna know who it was because we all know that stealing is not permitted in this gang."

Jaxon and I both sent each other nervous stares. "No one? Okay who does this belong to?" He asked holding up the chain my mom gave me when i was younger.

Shit it must've fallen off when i hid. There's no way in hell I'm getting caught.

"It's Jaxon's." I said and he looked at me in shock. I couldn't help it, it just came out like word vomit.

He growled grabbing his gun and pulling the trigger. My eyes widened as Jaxon fell. "What the hell boss?! He'd bring it back!" I shouted falling to my knees beside him.

I expected him to be angry but I didn't expect him to fucking shoot him.

"Stealing isn't permitted Cameron and anyone else that does it, will regret it." He said waking away.

End of flashback

That was the last time I saw him...and I guess he has a right to hate me but I did what I had to.

I slowly took her from him and she whimpered as her eyes opened slightly. "I knew you'd save me." She whispered and I smiled as I took her back to the car.

"Get inside cleaned up." I said to the gang and they nodded. "Jaxon come back to the house, I...kinda wanna apologize for... everything."

"You can keep your apology man, I don't need it." He said turning to walk away but Kristen slowly lifted her hand trying to grip his shirt but she was so weak.

"P-please come with me." She whispered and he sighed.

"Okay, I will." He smiled lightly climbing into the car.

Some time later

She finally fell asleep after all the crying she was doing. She was in so much pain and it killed me because there was nothing I could do.

I stared at the bruises and marks all over her body, I just wanted to kill Jason over and over again. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for, I swear on my life that I'll always be here for you, I love you babygirl."

(A/N: This was a fucky chapter I KNOW! Don't kill me. I was a bit confused as to what I was writing at a point but eh it got done. Thanks for reading love you guys.xoxo)- Chan

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