Welcome To The Family Pt.2

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Cameron's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock. 2am. I sighed getting up. This is normal for me, I'm up at two every morning and I go to bed at twelve.

I'm not weird or anything, I just get two hours of sleep everyday...

Anyway, I opened Kristen's door slowly, going in and sitting beside her. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I brushed the hair from her face before saying, "Let's just hope I won't have to kill you."

Later that morning

Kristen's P.O.V

I stood awkwardly in front of a few persons. The gang. "Everyone this is Kristen." Cameron said snaking his arm around my waist. I tried pulling away but he held me in place.

"Kristen this is Matthew, Taylor, Chris, Skate and Sean, these are their girls, Zoey, Kehlani, Chloe, Samantha and Lori." He introduced and I waved shyly.

"Girls go upstairs, the guys and I have business to discuss." He said and they got up.

"So Kristen, what does it feel like?" Madison asked.

"What does what feel like?" I asked back and she giggled.

"What does being in Cameron's arms feel like? Sleeping beside him?" She asked and they all looked at me as if they were extremely excited for my answer except for the one they Zoey I think.

"Uhm, we don't...we don't sleep in the same room." I replied and her face fell.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know I guess it's because I'm new here-"

"No that's not it. The last girl he claimed, on the first night we heard her screaming his name, along with every night after that, that is until she-"

"Madison, I don't think Cameron would appreciate you telling this story." Lori mumbled.

"Oh come on Lor, she has a right to know. Her name was Sarah and everything was fine between them until Cameron caught her with Scott, that's another gang member. I remember how pissed he was. He got so angry that he took both of them to an abandoned house, tied them to chairs, tortured them then burned them alive." She said and my eyes widened. What the fuck?

"Anyway he got over it." Zoey said. Is that suppose to make me feel better about being forced to be a psychopath's girlfriend?

"Have you guys ever tried to...escape?" I asked and they looked at each other for awhile before laughing.

"Why would we? We love it here and Cameron would never let that happen because we already know so much about the gang, besides the guy killed his dad because he left him at the store for Christ's sake why in the world would we try to leave?" Madison replied.

Oh my god, I need to get out of here.

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