My First Day...In Hell

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Kristen's P.O.V

"Kristen!" Cameron shouted and I quickly shot up. "Why aren't you up yet?" He asked.

"I didn't know-"

"Well you know now and you're still in bed." He said and I quickly got up. Wincing as the ice cold marbled floor came in contact with my feet.

"Go take shower and get dressed, we need to leave." He said.

"Where are we going?" I asked and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll know when we get there." He replied walking out. I need to get away. After my shower I went back to the room where clothes were laid on the bed. I quickly got dressed and waited patiently for him to return.

The door opened and he walked in. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car outside. He opened the door for me and waited until I fastened my seatbelt before he went to his side. Possessive much.

"When we get to the house I don't want you to talk to anyone, stay with me at all times, don't move without my permission okay?"

"Okay." I mumbled, looking down.

An hour later

I stepped out the car and was about to walk when I was grabbed. "Stay with me at all times." He said through gritted teeth. Sorry, gosh.

We got inside and there were a lot of girls in atrocious outfits, most of them looked like hookers and you had guys with guns in their hands, some with girls on their laps, all in all it looked like a teenage gang party.

"Cameron!" A guy shouted from a room and he pulled me behind him as he walked. Inside the room had ten guys, each had a girl on their leg.

"We've been waiting on you nigga, sit down." One of them said handing him a bottle of tequila. He sat down and I stood awkwardly waiting for him to indicate to me what my next move should be.

"And who's this?" Kian, I think that's his name, asked walking behind me.

"This is Kristen, my girl." Cameron replied pulling me onto his lap.

"I'm sure she knows her name, what's your name babygirl?" He asked and I opened my mouth to say something but Cameron squeezed my thigh quite harshly, reminding me of his rules. I looked down and bit my lip.

"Her name is Kristen." Cameron repeated and Kian walked away. I don't understand why he has to be so mean.

After awhile his lap became extremely uncomfortable. "Uhm, Cameron? I have to use the bathroom." I whispered and he nodded, unwrapping his arms from around my waist and standing up.

He opened the room's door and pointed to the bathroom while he waited.

I closed the door and sighed as I stared at my reflection. There was a light reflecting on the mirror and when I saw where it was coming from I thanked god over and over again.

I'm getting out of here.

Cameron's P.O.V

I sat waiting for like five minutes. What is she doing in there?

"Krissy babe, come on." I said but there was silence. That's when I became suspicious. "Kristen?" I called again but there was no answer.

I opened the door and she was gone, the window was open and she was gone. "Fuck!" I exclaimed running down the stairs.

"Cameron what happened?" Kian asked but I ignored him.

I ran outside and stopped when I heard her voice. "Please let me go!"

"Aren't you Cameron's girl? Why you runnin'?" A guy asked.

"I-i just gotta get out of here please." She said and I growled walking to where it came from.

Her eyes widened when she saw me and the guy looked extremely proud of himself. "I caught her trying to run." He said.

"Yeah thanks." I said gripping her arm.

I pulled her forcefully to the car and pushed her inside. She has no idea what she's about to get.

Some time later

I pulled her once again through the living room, grabbing everyone's attention. They all had sympathetic looks on their faces and that pissed me off even more.

I pushed her inside the room and slammed the door.

"What did I tell you to do?" I asked calmly and she started crying. "Why the fuck are you crying?!" I shouted and she flinched.


"Come here." I said and she walked hesitantly towards me. I quickly turned her around and pulled her body against mine. "I don't wanna hurt you, I really don't." I whispered. "But it's the only way to ensure that you'll never do it again."

I unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off, ignoring her crying. I got some handcuffs and handcuffed her to the table, taking out my knife.

"This hurts me more than it hurts you." I whispered before carving, 'Rule 1. Never Try To Leave Me', into her lower back.

I let her bleed, cry and tug at the handcuffs for awhile before I got a leather belt.

I took a swing and she screamed as it collided with her skin. "Shh." I said as I took another swing.

"Cameron! P-please st-stop!" She cried.

"Just three more." I whispered.

I closed my eyes as I did those three and then dropped the belt. I quickly unlocked her and pulled her into my arms.

I think she was too weak to fight me off so she just cried. "Shh, I know, I know, it's okay." I whispered rocking her.

I stayed in that position with her until she stopped crying and I helped her up. "Do you see why you shouldn't disobey me baby?" I asked and she hiccupped.

"Look what you made me do." I sighed. "Go take a shower, I'll go get you some dinner." I said walking out.

I got to the kitchen and everyone stood staring at me. "What?!" I shouted and they all mumbled 'nothing'.

"We heard her screaming from all the way down here Cameron." Lori whispered.

"Yeah well let's just hope you won't have to hear it again, maybe you can teach her not to try to run away." I snapped turning to the fridge.

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