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Kristen's P.O.V

"Cameron?" I called walking around the house. I woke up, he wasn't there and it's scaring the shit out of me.

"Kristen?" I heard and I turned around.

"Oh hey Jason have you seen Cameron?" I asked and he nodded.

"He said something about running out of groceries and then left so I'm thinking he went to the grocery store." He replied and I nodded. Good, at least he'll be fine.

"So what are you doing with your suitcases?"

"I'm leaving, I got important work to take care of."

"What? And you were gonna leave without telling me?"

"No actually I was gonna come ask if you wanted to go and have ice cream with me." He said and I giggled.

"Okay just let me get ready first."

Some time later

"I had so much fun today Jase but I think I should be heading home, Cameron's probably going crazy." I laughed as I climbed into his car and he started driving. "I'm tired I'm just gonna close my eyes for a bit okay?"

"Whatever you say babygirl." He mumbled and I shrugged. His tone was weird but I'm sure it's nothing.

After about an hour of driving, which is not normal I opened my eyes and looked at the unfamiliar road. "Jason where are we going?" I asked and he just drove silently. "JASON WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" I screamed and his eyes widened.

"I'm sorry okay but I can't tell you." He said and my eyes flooded. He's gonna kill me. Cameron finally got tired of me and he didn't even kill me himself he sent his cousin to do it.

"He could've just killed me along time ago you know, he didn't have to wait until I developed fucking feelings for him." I said and the tears fell. The car came to a stop and he looked over at me.

"Get out of the car Kristen." He said and I stepped out. "Put this on." He mumbled handing me a blindfold.

He took my hand then started leading me to somewhere or something or whatever. I guess this is the end for me.

(A/N: Short chapter but


If you think you know what's gonna happen don't be afraid to share it in the comments. Xoxo)-Chan

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