Apologies Pt.2

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Cameron's P.O.V

It's been five hours, thirteen minutes and 31, 32, 33, 34, 35- my thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing. "Hello? Hello? Zoey? How is she? How's the baby?" I asked all at once.

"Just...get down here." She said and her tone made me think about stuff that made me cringe.

"Uh y-yeah okay." I said hanging up then driving there.

When I got there I don't know if it was just me but the hospital was pale...more pale than usual. I exhaled as I walked to the receptionist. "K-Kristen Summers." I told her and she typed in her name.

"Are you a relative?"

"I'm her baby's father." I mumbled and she looked at me sympathetically...like she knew something I didn't.

"Room 203." She said and I nodded going to the elevator.

My heart pounded and my palms got sweaty as I pressed the button. What if something happened to her? To the baby? How would I live with that on my conscience? Fuck that how would she be able to live?

It pained may heart to think about the fact that I've caused her nothing but pain... I'm such a huge fuck up.

I sighed as the elevator dinged and I walked slowly looking for the room. When I found it, I slowly turned the handle and opened it slowly, peaking inside.

She was sleeping and looked like the perfect little angel she was. I walked over to her and slowly touched her. "B-baby?" I whispered and she shifted a bit before opening her eyes.


Her voice was hoarse and had pain directly behind it. "Yeah Krissy it's me, how do you feel?" I asked trying to focus on her eyes and not the bruises all over her.

"My head still hurts a little but I'm fine otherwise." She said softly and that's when I broke down.

"I'm so sorry Kristen, please don't hate me please please, I swear to god I was gonna take my pills I just blacked out when I got to the door, I-"

"I know Cameron." She mumbled and I stared at her.


"I know it wasn't you."

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked and she shook her head no. "Oh baby thank you so so much and when you get out of here I'm taking you both to Disneyland." I said and she laughed lightly, wincing.

The doctor walked in with charts and I turned to him. "How are they doctor?" I asked and he sighed.

"She is fine." He said and my eyebrows furrowed.

"And what about my baby?" She asked and he looked at her with sad eyes.

"I am truly sorry but there was nothing we could do." He said and she sat staring at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"The baby didn't make it." He replied and I held my head down as the tears fell. I guess it to awhile to actually click but when it did she started screaming and crying hysterically.

"Hey, hey baby she it's okay." I said hugging her and she pushed me off.

"NO! This is your fault!! YOU DID THIS!!" She screamed as she cried. "I h-hate you." She cried clutching her stomach.

"No baby you don't you're just-"

"Get out." She said glaring at me with teary eyes.


"GET OUT!! NOW! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!" She continued screamed the doctor pulled me out.

"Maybe you should just wait here for awhile."

"I want my baby, please give me back my baby." I heard her say from outside and my heart shattered more if that was even possible.

I nodded at the doctor and sat on the chair outside of the door. She will never forgive me...I mean who would? I don't think I'll even forgive myself.....

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