Safe Again?

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Kristen's P.O.V

Jason slowly climbed on top of me, kissing every inch of my body. "Please stop." I cried and he smirked.

"Hell no, you're way too sexy." He said before removing the rest of his clothes, holding my hands above my head.

"J-jason." I cried as he brought his lips to my skin then literally ripping my underwear off.

"NO!" I screamed as I quickly sat up.

"Baby, hey calm down." I heard as I felt arms around me and I quickly slapped them away then I realized where I was.


"Yeah, I'm right here."

"Am I hallucinating again?" I asked touching his face to make sure he was really there. I don't really remember anything, it's all really blurry.

"No baby I'm here for real." He whispers then pulls me into his chest. His touch was so foreign to me....I couldn't remember what he felt like and now it was all just too overwhelming for me. I literally fell apart in his arms. "Hey hey shh, no crying, pretty girls don't cry." He said trying to wipe the tears that flowed heavily.

"Why didn't you come earlier? He-he injected me with heroin almost every day...he raped me..." I cried and he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry baby."

"No, you weren't there...I went through that for a whole week and some days and you weren't there, I was in so much pain, I gave up more times than I could count." I said pushing him off.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do Kristen?! I couldn't fucking find you! You think one day passed when I didn't regret him taking you and not killing me? You think I didn't cry for you because I know that he's a sick fuck? You think I didn't go into the bathroom and punch the walls just because I couldn't find you? You think I was here having a good time? Is that what you think? Huh?!" He snapped and I flinched.

"I...I d-didnt mean to get you angry.." I whispered and he sighed.

"Krissy baby look at me." He whispered lifting my face. "I'm sorry I shouted at you but babe I tried so hard to find you, he was just too good at covering his tracks and all I could think about was you, just thinking about you made me take my pills...I love you baby and I swear to god I will never let anything like that happen to you ever again."

"I love you too." I said hugging him tightly not wanting him to let me go. He made me feel safe again. Like there was nothing that could hurt me. He pulls out of the hug and slowly leans in his lips brushing against mine.

I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer kissing his lips...his lips, I missed his warm lips so much, they were soft and... different from Jason's cold ones. "I almost forgot what this felt like." I whispered.

"Then let me remind you." He said slowly pushing me down and climbing on top of me. He slowly lifted my shirt over my head and started kissing my neck. It was pure bliss.

I gasped as he gripped my waist tightly. "Cameron." I whispered.

"Shh, I'm right here." He said nibbling lightly. He unbuttoned my shorts and that's when my eyes shot open.

"No!" I screamed pushing him off. He laid staring at me in confusion. "I-im sorry I just...I can't." I said running to the bathroom and closing the door. Everything just came rushing back. How am I gonna get over this?

I honestly just wanna forget about everything.

Cameron's P.O.V

I groaned running my hands through my hair. I can't believe I was stupid, why would I try to have sex with her now? She was raped for God's sake. Smooth move Cameron very smooth.

I sighed as I walked down the stairs, maybe if I make her something she'll feel better. I opened the fridge and I heard footsteps. I quickly turned around and Zoey was standing there. "Hey." I whispered and she nodded at me. "Come here." I said opening my arms and she ran to me, clinging to me tightly.

I've considered this girl my little sister ever since her dad died and left me to take care of her. "You okay?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm making dinner so go take a shower and get comfy I'll take it to you upstairs okay?" I said and she smiled lightly before walking away.

I just hope everything cools down for now so I can take care of them both.

(A/N: Don't ask about this chapter.

Sigh school starts tomorrow, I was so excited before but now not so much. Oh well.

CAMERON'S FINALLY 22!!!!!!! He went to a Drake concert for his birthday, why don't I go to Drake concerts for my birthday???

Annnnyyyywaaaayyyyyy thanks for reading love you😘😘 xoxo)-Chan

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