Crossing Over

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A week later

Kristen's P.O.V

Have you ever felt so weak, so numb that you can feel the devil trying to rip the last piece of soul out of your body? It couldn't be an was too painful. It's been a week of none stop beating and heroin and to be honest I wish he would just slit my throat.

I think to myself Cameron's coming for sure, but how long will the hope remain?

The door opened and I tried to crawl away, failing of course I failed. A guy that I couldn't really see came towards me and towered over me. " more." I begged.

I could hear him sigh, hell it felt like I could hear his heartbeat. My ears were so sensitive to sound, the slightest movement drove me crazy.

He reached into the bag and I started crying. "J-just kill me please." I cried and he carefully laid my head on his lap as a bottle came to my lips.

"Don't worry it's just water." He said slowly tilting it. As the cool liquid came in contact with my lips, I just instantly wanted more. It felt like I handed had water in years when it was only a week. Oh yeah the hadn't fed me either so that makes the symptoms of the heroin worse.

I started drinking a little faster which ended up with me choking, making my whole body ache. "Take it easy there, you'll hurt yourself." He mumbled.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I heard as the door opened.

"Jason man look I get it you're mad at her boyfriend but come on, she's dying." He said and Jason laughed.

"Do I look like I care? Her boyfriend didn't care if I died or not he chose some stupid whore and well his gang is doing a little bit too well these days." He said and the guy kinda just stared at him in a weird way for awhile before shaking his head.

"Look I don't really care but can she at least take a shower?" He asked and Jason shrugged walking out.

"Th-thank you." I choked out and he slowly lifted me up.

"Don't try to talk." He said giving me a smile.

Cameron's P.O.V

"KRISTEN!!" I shouted as I quickly sat up in bed.

"Woah calm down baby, who's Kristen?" A girl asked wrapping her arms around me. What the hell?

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked pushing her off a little.

"I'm Jessica remember, last night at the club, you said you would pay me one thousand dollars if I came home with you and...I did." She said smiling. What? I would never.

"Just...get out." I mumbled.

"But-" she started and I put my hand over her mouth taking up two thousand dollars handing it to her.

"Leave." I said and she quickly got up and walked out. What the hell is happening to me? I mean I know I've been falling back on my pills but I've never been affected this much before.

I walked to the bathroom and stared at my reflection.

Look at you, you're a mess.

I rolled my eyes reaching into the drawer where my pills were. The voices are getting a little bit too much.

Don't you dare take them Cameron.

Then I went back to when Kristen said to listen to her voice and her voice only. I closed my eyes imagining her whispering to me that it's gonna be okay and that I just need to take my pills and that...she loves me.

"Cameron I...are you okay?" Zoey asked as she barged into my bathroom.

"We're going to get Kristen." I said, popping the pill into my mouth then walking out.

(A/N: He's so confused😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I feel like a psycho. Xoxo)-Chan

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