Confessions and Threats

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Kristen's P.O.V

We were still sitting on the bathroom floor, him clinging to me and me being afraid to move, afraid he might slap the shit out of me or he'll break down again. I glanced over at the sink and a bottle of pills.

I guess that's what he was looking for. I reached for it and he grabbed holding me tightly. "W-where are you going?" He stuttered.

"No where, I just...never mind." I mumbled sitting still.

"I have BPD..." He said and I froze. Oh my god, that's why he acts like I wonder what triggered it off. "It's Borderline Personality Disorder."

"I know what it is."

"Then why haven't you said anything?" He asked looking up at me.

"Because...I don't know what to say, honestly. I'm afraid to ask or say anything to you and it's not because of what you just told me." I said and he looked down.

"Please don't be afraid of me...I hadn't been taking my pills that's why I was like that, that's not the real me." He whispered.

"What... triggered it?" I asked and he sighed putting his head in my lap.

"I wasn't always the leader...when I was in high school I got bullied alot by basically everyone, plus my mom didn't care and my dad would beat the shit out of me when I came home with bruises because I was weak according to him." He said and I opened my mouth to say something but he just continued speaking.

"One day I started hearing voices and I tried to put them away but I couldn't, and that same night my dad hit me and they told me to kill him, apart of me didn't want to but the other part wanted to hear him scream and beg for mercy so I did it... I went downstairs got knocked him out cold, I don't know how but I got him on the table and tied him to it, then I got a knife and I cut and cut until I didn't even recognize him, then my mom came home and saw the blood and pieces of him on the table and tried to call the police so I killed her too...I ran away and came to California to live and there was this girl that wouldn't leave me alone so we got together and I just couldn't help myself I had to torture her, when she begged for me to stop as I ran the blade of the knife over, god it just gave me a rush that I I loved it and that's when I decided that I wanted to do it professionally."

I was beyond creeped out. He was also a psycho along with his BPD. Is that what he plans to do to me? "I..."

"You don't have to say anything." He whispered and I sighed.

"Cameron you need to see someone about this... it's not healthy for-"

"I'm not crazy!" He shouted sitting up and I flinched.

"I didn't say-"

"That's basically what you were going to say, only crazy people see psychiatrists, I know I shouldn't have told you." He cut me off again.

I didn't say anything at all about a psychiatrist.

"I swear to you Kristen if you breathe a word of this to the gang I won't hesitate to cut you into itty bitty pieces and send it to your mother for Christmas, got it?" He said and I started shaking as I nodded my head. He got up and stormed out.

He is crazy....

Some time later

I walked slowly down the stairs and saw Cameron standing by the sink. I didn't know what he was doing and I didn't want to know so I grabbed a bottle of water and turned to walk out but I stopped when I heard dripping, or more like it was slowly pouring.

I walked over to him and gasp as I saw him cutting his palm and squeezing his blood into the sink. "Cameron! What the hell, stop!" I said grabbing the knife.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted pushing me into the kitchen island. Okay that's fucking it.

"No! Come with me now!" I shouted back grabbing his hand and pulling him upstairs. I think he was too shocked to react so he just followed me. I brought him to the bathroom and turned the water on putting his hand under it.

You're probably thinking what a stupid bitch but if you saw his eyes when I grabbed the knife or heard his story in person, you'd understand.

"You can't just hurt yourself like this." I said and his eyes flooded.

"It's either you or me... that's what they told me and I can't hurt you anymore." He mumbled.

"Who Cameron? The voices in your head?" I asked and he nodded. "Look they dont matter anymore, forget about them, block them out and listen to love me right?"

"I really do and I know you don't believe me but-"

"I believe you Cameron, if you love me you'll listen to my voice only, can you do that?"

"I'll try." He said and I smiled a little. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

"Cam, it's okay, it wasn't you don't stress about it, let's get you cleaned up yeah?" I said and he nodding as he hugged me. I don't know if I was just caught up in the moment but I felt.... something.

(A/N: I'm a professional at writing psychotic killers' past stories...damn. xoxo)-Chan

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