Official Mission

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Kristen's P.O.V

I sat in the kitchen staring at the wall, it's not like I had anything to do and I didn't wanna talk to anyone from the gang so here I am.

"Hello." The guy that came last night, what's his name? Uhmmm .... Jason yeah.

"Hi." I said politely.

"So I'm Jason and you're Kristen." He said and I nodded. "I'm his cousin."

"I'm his slave." I said and he laughed.

"You're not. Anyway I like you."  He commented and I stared at him weirdly. "Oh no, no I meant I like in a sisterly way." He said and I laughed.


"Yeah you have this thing about you that's makes you seem easy to tickle." He said smirking at me.

"No, no, Jason don't." I said getting up and backing away. He grabbed me and started tickling my sides. "Jason! St-stop!" I laughed trying to push him away. He hugged me tightly and I whimpered.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked pulling away.

"No I just had some bruises before and you uh...hugged a little too tight."

"What kind of bruises?" He asked and I shook my head. He sighed before spinning me around and lifting the back of my shirt. "What the fuck?" He said and I pulled my shirt down. "Did...Cameron do that?"

I nodded slowly and he sighed. "Look Kristen he didn't mean it, it's just that he's....sick you know and I'm not just saying sick, I mean he has-"

"Krissy?!" We heard and he stopped. "Kristen what're you-oh, well go take a shower, we're going on your first mission." He smiled and my eyes widened.

"W-what?" I asked and he sighed.

"Just go take a shower." He mumbled and I got up walking away. I might as well accept the fact that I'll just stay here until he gets tired of me and set me ablaze in house too...but what was Jason talking about?

Cameron's P.O.V

"So uh, what were you guys talking about?" I asked as Jason stood over the stove, cooking whatever that was.

"Nothing, we were just fooling around and I saw the paragraph in her lower back and asked her about it." He replied turning around to face me. "Let me ask you something, since she's been here has she smiled or show any form of happiness?"

"Well, yeah, of course." I lied and he laughed.

"Right and this mission you're taking her on what exactly is she gonna be doing?"

"Why do you even care?! She's mine not yours!" I snapped walking out. I rolled my eyes as I popped a cigarette in my mouth and stood outside. What I do, did or will do in the future to her is because I love her and they need to understand that.

Kristen's P.O.V

I sat in the black dress and heels that were laid out on the bed for me, why do I have to wear heels? Isn't this like a mission or something.

"Hey." I heard behind me and I turned to see Zoey.


"So today's your first mission huh?"

"Yeah, I don't understand why though." I replied mumbling the last part.

"Don't worry about it, first missions are usually the easiest, just do as you're told and you'll be fine." She smiled and I nodded.

"Ready?" Cameron asked standing at the door. No.

Zoey nodded and I got up. Please lord let this be as easy as Zoey said it would be. I really don't wanna get hurt.

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