No Regrets

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"We never know when our end will come...we just know it'll be painful." ~ Unknown

Kristen's P.O.V

I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life. I mean I know I told him to kill me but that was in the heat of the moment, I didn't actually mean it, and Jason he's unbelievable. I can't believe him.

"You can take it off now." He said and I slowly lifted the blindfold from my eyes and I gasped when I saw what it was. Oh my god.

Cameron's P.O.V

I watched as he led her towards me, when she took the blindfold off her eyes were red and puffy. Why was she crying?

"Baby? Why are you crying? What happened?" I asked and she just stood shocked staring at me. The only reason I asked Jason to bring her here was because she wouldn't trust anyone else in the gang and that'd this the surprise dinner. "Thanks you can go now." I mumbled and he rolled his eyes walking away.

"Kristen? Baby are you okay?" I asked as I slowly pulled her to the chair.

"I-i thought you were gonna..." She started then started crying.

"You thought I was gonna what babe?" I asked pulling her into my arms.

"I thought you were gonna k-kill me." She replied and my heart shattered. Just the fact the she'd even think that breaks me.

"Hey look at me." I said cupping her cheeks. "I would never ever do that to something as precious as you are." I whispered and she looked up at me before crashing her lips into mine. I was beyond shocked that she did that but either way I kissed back.

I've been the type to be like oh bombs exploded when our lips touched but I'm sorry I'm gonna have to get cliché. I literally felt sparks flying all over the place when we kissed and she was actually enjoying it so that made it a whole lot better.

"I've been trying to push back my feelings for you during these past few days but I just couldn't anymore it was exhausting." She said and I smiled.

"I love you baby." I smiled and her smile faded.

" you." She said and once again my heart kinda shattered but she literally just started warming up to me so I guess I'll just have to work on that.

"It's okay." I smiled and she hugged me. This is all I really want.

The next day

Kristen's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt a heavy weight on top of me and lips on mine. "Cam." I mumbled not opening my eyes.

"Morning beautiful." He said and I finally got the strength open my eyes and smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay." I replied and he got off me.

"I gave the guys a day so we could have a lazy day together." He said and I giggled.

"You actually know what a lazy day is? Wow." I said and he rolled his eyes at me playfully.

"Let's go." He said pulling me up and we brushed our teeth walked straight to the couch. Everything was already organized so all we had to do was cuddle. We sat down and I laid my head on his chest relaxing then I saw his gun.

"Cam can you, like put that away for today?" I asked.

"What if something happens and I need it?"

"Nothing will happen, just please?"

"Fine." He said getting up and putting it inside the drawer on the far end of the room.

"Thank you." I said and he smiled. I loved this side of him. It was so relaxed, so loving, so...basically everything I wished for in a I sighed as I closed my eyes then the door busted open and Jason walked in with some other guys and guns.

"Hey there Cammy." He said and Cameron quickly got up.

"What do you want Jason?" He asked seriously.

"Oh remember when you told me to leave? Oh I probably should've told you that I'd be taking something with me, oops guess it slipped my mind." He replied still smiling. Seriously what is happening here? Cameron looked backed at me then started shaking his head rapidly.

"No, no you're not taking her." Cameron said and I froze. Me? Of course it's me.

"I'm afraid you don't really have a choice Cammy, you're unarmed and your gangs not here, so she's mine. It's either your life or her over all." He said and Cameron clenched his jaws.

"Kill me." He said and my eyes widened as he raised the gun to his head.

"No! Don't! Take me." I said getting up and Cameron grabbed my arm. "Cameron no, just...if you love me you'll let go." I said and he looked at me.

"What? No if I love you I'm gonna fight for you, he's not taking you away from me." He said and I cupped his cheeks going closer.

"I'm buying you some time, get a plan, come save me, I love you." I whispered kissing his lips then back away.

"Good choice." Jason said smiling as he grabbed me and pulled me outside. Dear god please let him save me.

(A/N: Well then...

There we have it, once again she's been dun dun dun!!!!! KIDNAPPED. I don't know if you guys will like this but I sure as hell did.

What do you think should happen next?

Idk what should.....anyway enjoy. xoxo)-Chan

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