||his screams||

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this contains some HEAVY topics. if you dont want to read something extremely upsetting, please do yourself a favor and dont read this. you have been warned.
pain. sadness. anger. hatred. agony.

the only emotions that could make its way through my broken, bruised body. it felt as though the burning ropes and cold metal has squeezed the life out of me.

i didn't know how long it had been since i had tasted something more than bread or seen something more than baseball bats, ropes, and blood.

i felt so broken. so dead inside. but it wasn't the daily beating or the act of being tied up.

i had gotten used to the abuse at this point, the hits and yells easier to cope with.

it was the thought of him that was destroying me from the inside out.

the longing to be next to him, holding his body in mine as the feeling of safety washed over me.

he was my life.

and my life was suddenly ripped away from me.

as i was ripped away from my home, he was too.

yet, i don't know where he is.

for many days, maybe weeks, i could hear the distant sounds of his screams, his voice begging for me to come save him. the sound of agony dripped in his voice as those screams rang through my ears, and it felt as though i was the one being hurt every time they did.

i hadn't heard his screams for a while, and the loss of the noise began to play tricks on my already messed up brain.

the very thought of the possibility that his corpse was rotting in a closet made me sick to my stomach and my head begin to spin.

i had to know if he was ok.

my scrambled thoughts were brought to a halt as the cell door opened. immediately, i attempted to pull my weak body from the ropes that had made their way around me, but all i was greeted with was agonizing pain.

"where is matt? i need to know."

i struggled more, ignoring my body's yell to stop inflicting the pain.

i wanted answers.

"funny you should ask... oh matty boy."

my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.

immediately, the door slowly pushed open, the creaking almost antagonizing me. was the love of my life behind that door? as the door fully opened, the figure behind it was finally revealed, and my whole body dropped the floor when i saw him.

his hair was greasy and oily, as it had not been washed in days, and you could see the patches of dry blood scattered throughout it. the blood found in his hair had also made its way down his face, staining his beautiful, delicate skin. his big brown eyes were bloodshot and the large bruises under them were extremely noticeable. the blue and purple skin reached all the way down to his nose, and i could only assume it had been broken on numerous occasions. no material was wrapped around the top half of his body, revealing the many cuts around his chest and back, and the evil words carved into his arms.

it truly was a horrific sight.

"matt..." i whispered, my hoarse voice causing tears to well in his eyes.

"mark... im going to save you, okay? you're gonna get out of here." he whispered, his choked sobs interrupting him a few times.

"what do you mean?" i asked, ripping my eyes from the beautiful boy in front of me and looking at my kidnapper, anger and confusion running through my veins.

"matty boy has decided to take your place. youre free, markimoo." immediately i attempted to jump up, letting out a yelp as the cold metal around my wrists prevented me from doing that.

"youre not keeping matt. i wont let you." the anger dripping in his voice spread around the room, and if looks could kill, his rotting corpse would be on the ground.

"oh, youre so funny, pretty boy. you think im keeping matt. oh no, no, no." an evil smirk appeared on his face, causing my pit of my stomach to churn.

what did he mean?

before the question could escape my lips, the sick man in front of me pulled out a gun, the sound of him loading it echoing through the room.

before i had time to react, the loud gunshot rang, deafening me for a few seconds. as i heard the painful sound of the gun, matt's beautiful body fell to the floor, creating an extremely loud slapping noise. out of the side of his head, there was a large whole, crimson liquid leaking out of it.

when I looked at the corpse on the ground, i didnt cry. i was too devastated to cry.

the only person that meant anything to me was ripped away from me in an instant, and this time i wasnt getting him back.

i could never hold him in my arms and have the feeling of safety wash over me.

my safety was destroyed.

my safety was broken.

my safety was shot in the side of the head.

i looked up at the criminal in front of me, every bone in my body aching to kill him. he looked at me as well, his mouth curved into a smirk.

"youre free mark."

im sorry.

i hope you guys are still enjoying these imagines! im sorry if they havent been any good recently.

i hope you have a wonderful day, and i hope you enjoyed this imagine (it would not consider this cheesy)

Stay weird - Mika ❤️

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