||wedding day||

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Mark's POV

Matthew Patrick.

The man I had fallen in love with.

The man that could put a smile on my face like no other.

The man that made me learn what love truly is.

The man that taught me that love isn't something you force. It's something that naturally happens.

The man that helped me through the worst.

The man that I've shared thousands of kisses with.

The man that floods my thoughts and takes over my dreams.

The man I can call the love of my life.

The man who's wedding I had to watch unfold in front of my eyes.

I stood at the front of the altar, my body directly behind Sean, the evil man who was marrying my love. Sean was a wealthy man from Ireland, and from the moment I met him, I did not like him. However, since Matthew had come from a wealthy family, he was forced to married the Irish man. Although Sean was extremely handsome, he mistreated Matt. Often times, the Irish man would tell and scream at his companion, and I could have sworn I have seen bruises.

That thought haunted me.

Matt was abused.

My baby was hurting.

My love was being beaten.

My rock was being told he was worthless.

My best friend was depressed.

My life was broken.

And my goal was to fix him.

Slowly but surely, I started showing affection towards the man. At first it was just simple things like sweet smiles and hugs, but soon, it became soft kisses and "I love you's".

I didn't care that Matt was taken.

I was determined to make him realize he was amazing.

And thus began our secret relationship.

For three whole years, we managed to sneak around the evil Irishman, spending as much time as we could.

Matt and I always spoke about marrying one day and having a family. We always talked about our future, and what we were going to be when we got older. We both knew we would one day be married and have kids, and they told themselves they would be together forever.

That was until Matt received awful news.

"I have to marry him Mark. I don't have a choice."

Those words shattered my heart.

I couldn't be with Matt.

I couldn't marry Matt.

I couldn't be Matt's lover forever.

I have never felt so broken. I watched helplessly as my lover was forced into a marriage that would kill him.

It broke my heart.

And I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

So, here I was.

At the wedding I had been dreading for months.

In front of me stood Matt, looking more handsome than ever. He wore a black tuxedo, his green tie making me smile. His body was shaking, and you could see the fright on his face.

I could see he didn't want to be there.

He wanted to be with me.

Just like I wanted to be there, right where Sean was standing.

As the evil Irishman said his vows, a small tear fell down my lover's face.

It wasn't a happy tear.

It was a tear that screamed fright.

It was a tear that screamed anger.

It was a tear that screamed sadness.

It was a tear that screamed helplessness.

My heart physically ached as I knew this would be the last time I saw the love of my life.

As Matt said his vows, it took every bone in my body to not cry out or break down. My body began shaking, my heart beating as fast as humanly possible.

Once Matt's forced vows were over, I moved from my previous position behind Sean, not caring about the stares I was receiving. My body was still slightly shaking as I looked at Matt, a single tear falling down my face.

Looking at Matt, all I could see was sadness.





All the things I was feeling as well.

I took one last glance at my love and walked out of the door, finally letting my sob escape.

I couldn't believe it.

I just had to let go of Matthew Patrick.

Matthew Patrick.

The man I had fallen in love with.

The man that could put a smile on my face like no other.

The man that made me learn what love truly is.

The man that taught me that love isn't something you force. It's something that naturally happens.

The man that helped me through the worst.

The man that I've shared thousands of kisses with.

The man that floods my thoughts and takes over my dreams.

The man I can call the love of my life.

The man who's wedding I had to watch unfold in front of my eyes.

oh sweaty...

idk what this is tbh sorry!

I have so much homework, it hurts! Anyone else feel?

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this cheesy imagine!

Stay weird - Mika ❤️

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