||holy crap||

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Mark sat on the couch, his arms resting behind his head. His feet were propped on the seats of the couch next to him, his body still and relaxed. His eyes were slowly opening and closing, the gamer not wanting to fall asleep. Across his face, however, was a large smile, as Mark felt relaxed for the first time in a long time.

Mark didn't have to record today, so he wanted to spent the day with his boyfriend. The boys spent the morning together, having a delicious breakfast and cuddling... A lot. However, since the theorist had been up late the night before, decided to get some sleep. So, here Mark was, happy and grateful for something he doesn't get to experience often: silence.

"MARK!!! MARRRKKK!!!" The half-Korean's silence was broken when a screeching voice rang through the house. Mark immediately jumped up to see his boyfriend frantically running down the stairs, his face red and tear-stained. He looked as though a giant he entered his room, or Hagrid told him he was a wizard.

"MARK MARK I KNOW WHY ALL OF THIS STUFF KEEPS HAPPENING TO US!!" Matt yells, his voice cracking at numerous parts of the confusing sentence. "Baby, what are you talking about?" Mark was extremely concerned and confused at his boyfriend's outburst, his heart breaking at the panicked sight in front of him. "THE KIDNAPPINGS, THE SICKNESS ALL THE TIME, THE CLICHES, THE RING DOWN THE DRAIN THREE TIMES! I KNOW WHY ITS HAPPENING!!" The theorist at this point was screaming, his face beat red from the loss of oxygen.

"MARK, SOMEONE IS CONTROLLING US!!  A GIRL TO BE EXACT!" He says, his statement only confusing his partner even more. "Matt, what the hell are you talking about??"

"She's this really strange girl that controls our lives. She's the one that puts us through all of this. She's the one that made Nate kidnap me that one time, and the one that got you really sick. It was her! And the scary part is it's all written down. All of it. And people read it!! The book of our life has been read 2,000 times!! Mark, I didn't even know people knew about us! I'm scared Mark, what if she does something evil to us?" Matt's voice dripped with concern, as he felt that his life was in danger. However, if this girl liked him all that much, would she really hurt him? {no, I can't hurt my smol bean}

"Matt, baby, we're fine. Clearly, she's not gonna have us die. What always happened at the end of those moments?" The gamer's deep voice soothed his boyfriend, as the theorist thought about Mark's question. "Well, we were always ok." Mark nodded in approval, confident that him and his boyfriend would be fine.

"Baby, we're going to be fine. I love you so much, and I know she won't hurt us. I promise." Before the older man could respond, he felt the familiar strong arms of his boyfriend wrap around him, the feeling of happiness and relief washing over him.

"We're fine Matt."

... i.... i have no words...

well, there you go. the weirdest imagine ever written.

this was a thank you for 2,000 READS!! HOLY CRAP! Thank you so much for all the support and for reading this book! It means so much to me! It really does!

If you have any ideas or wanna read something specific, let me know!!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this cheesy imagine!

Stay loving - Mika ❤️

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