||needs to stop (a/n)||

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Hi guys!

So, I guess you could say this is a rant.

Why do people feel the need to put others down??? I don't understand.

What kind of black soul must you have to feel the need to make someone else feel like shit??

The fact that people hate on Amy and Wiishu pisses me off. Mark and Jack are humans, just like us. They find love. We, as a community, need to respect that.

And, WHY THE HELL WOULD ANYONE HATE ON MATPAT??? I don't understand. What did he do exactly?? Please, someone tell me.

What did anyone do to be called gay or ugly or fat on the Internet.

I'm so angry... The fact that Amy has to block people on Twitter because she is dating someone is ridiculous.

We love Mark. We love Jack. Why can't we just be happy for them?

we're their fan base. shouldn't we show them respect?

I promise, I'm not yelling at anyone. I'm just saying in general, to the fanbase and people online.

It needs to stop. Hate needs to stop.

Stay loving - Mika ❤️


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