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Mark let out a breathy sigh as he crossed his legs under his desk, staring at his shaking hands. All around him, his fellow classmates were talking to one another, laughing and smiling. Mark felt lonelier than ever. When am I ever going to make any friends? Mark thought, as he began twiddling around with his thumbs. Mark could feel tears welling up in his brown eyes. When am I ever going to fit in?

Mark was a guy who never fit in, and he was bullied all throughout middle and high school. It was finally junior year, and my mother let me change schools. I couldn't be happier about leaving the hell hole, but that meant going to a new school where I didn't know a single soul. It was all very scary for me, but I knew I had to do this. Who knows, maybe I'll make some friends.

All of a sudden, I felt writing on my wrist. I slightly jumped up, a huge smile spreading on my face.

My soulmate was trying to talk to me.

I turned my wrist to see the handwriting of my lover. His handwriting was always slightly sloppy but adorable, seeing as he always surrounded the message with hearts. "Hi baby! You're gonna do great today!" the message read, making a small blush appear on Mark's face. Mark reached into his backpack and pulled out a Sharpie, which he kept specifically to talk to his soulmate. "Thank you! I love you" I wrote back, adding a heart next to it.

All Mark wanted was to meet his soulmate. But Mark didn't even know what he looked like. He only knew that his name was Matt and that he was adorable. Mark loved Matt. He loved Matt's personality and adorableness. He loved Matt's corny jokes at 2 in the morning. He loved the small hearts Matt always drew. He loved everything about Matt.

He first started talking to Matt about four years ago, at the age of 13, when you can officially start talking to your soulmate. Everyone can communicate with their soulmate this way, but it's your choice whether you want to or not. Mark, being the helpless romantic he was, said yes, and luckily so did Mark's soulmate. The pair began talking and got along instantly. They shared the same interests and liked all the same video games and music. I mean, it makes sense. Matt is Mark's soulmate.

Mark's thoughts were interrupted as the school bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom. Mark grabbed my backpack and stepped out of my seat, trying to avoid eye contact with my peers. Mark fixed the collar of my school blazer and looked down at his shoes, feeling incredibly insecure. As he looked as his shoes, there was three men walking towards him, talking and laughing. Mark looked up to take a good look at them.

The first one had dark hair and glasses, which fit him well. His dark eyes looked almost black, and he had extremely large dimples. He had gauges in his ears, which were a real blue color, but no other piercings.

The second one was much shorter than the first. His hair was bright green, and he also had glasses. He had very light blue eyes, which were quite beautiful. He also had ear piercings, but they weren't gauges like the first one. He was definitely the loudest from what Mark could see.

The last one, however, Mark thought was stunning. He had short brown hair, slightly lighter than the first. He had beautiful brown eyes, but didn't have glasses like the other two. There was a slight color to his cheeks, and all-around looked like the most adorable human.

Mark felt a pang of guilt in his heart. You love Matt. Mark thought, trying to snap himself out of the trance he was in. Mark lowered his head once more and walked past them until he heard a voice.

"Hi! I don't think I've ever seen you around before. Are you new here?" The voice said, making me stop in my tracks. Mark turned around to see the beautiful boy in front of Mark, his friends standing behind him confused. "Um, yeah, I am." Mark said shyly. "Well my name is Matt. Nice to meet you." He said, and my heart hurt a little at the name Matt. I really wanted to see him. "Nice to meet you too. My name is Mark." He said, and he physically looked upset when he heard my name. Mark immediately began to panic. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!" He said, putting my hands up. "No! It's not you. I miss my soulmate." Matt said, looking down and pulling his blazer sleeve down. Mark gasped when he looked at Matt's wrist.

It was Mark's handwriting.

"Wait!" Mark said, my voice sounding more confident and happier than before. Mark grabbed the sleeve of my blazer and pulled it down, revealing the same message on his wrist. Matt looked at his wrist, a shocked look on his face. He looked up at Mark, tears welling up in his eyes. Mark could feel the tears well up in mine as well. "Matt? I can't believe that's you!" Mark said, grabbing both of Matt's hands. Matt let out a watery giggle, jumping on Mark. He wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, and his soulmate wrapped his arms around his waist.

Mark found him. Mark found his soulmate.

There you go!

I love the idea that someone was made for you in this world. It makes me happy.

Thank you to the queen QueenOfMarkpat for this idea! I appreciate it!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this cheesy imagine!

Stay weird -  Mika ❤️

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