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In order for this story to make the most sense, let's pretend the bean didn't do YouTube... I know, it hurts.
Mark sighed as shut off his camera, taking his headphones off his head. He laid back in his swivel chair and looked at the computer screen in front of him. For a few minutes he sat there, trying to calm himself after getting so into the game he was just playing. The gamer was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was go to bed. However, the man had to record another one before he could call it a day.

Matt, on the other hand, was bored out of his mind. With having a boyfriend that was so popular on YouTube, it was hard to spend time with him. The older man felt as though Mark didn't want to spend time with him. When Mark wasn't filming videos, he was at someone's house filming a video. When he wasn't doing that, he was at a convention or sleeping. Matt knew it was his love's job, but it got exhausting after a while.

All he wanted was some time with his boyfriend.

The older man decided to go to his love's recording room. As he walked to the room Mark constantly was in, he tried to be as quiet as possible. When Matt peeped in, Mark turned in his chair, a large smile spreading across his face as he saw his boyfriend.

"Hi baby! What's up?"

Matt smiled back at him, beginning to play with his nails. "Um, well, are you done? I miss you."

When Mark heard those words, his eyes went wide. Had he really been neglecting Matt that much recently? He looked at Matt to see his beautiful eyes were glossy and he was looking down, almost ashamed of his question. Mark gulped, feeling his heart break.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to neglect you. Can we go cuddle?"

As those words left Mark's mouth, the theorist's head popped up, a large smile on his face. He began nodding his head frantically, smiling widely like a child. Mark chuckled and picked up his child-like boyfriend, the two walking to their bedroom. The gamer practically threw Matt, causing him to squeal. Both men giggled, and the smiles on their faces couldn't get any bigger. The gamer laid down next to his boyfriend, pulling him in close. Both men sighed in content.

This was where they belonged.



so, there we go! A fluffy one! Next one is really upsetting, and I'm honestly scared.

Anyways, so sorry about not updating a lot. Ive literally been drowning in assignments. I had 7 this weekend alone. It's been rough!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this cheesy imagine!

Stay weird - Mika ❤️

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