The Final Question

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Please form a four worded Japanese idiom from the following romanization, and come up with a suitable sentence with it.


Himeji Mizuki's answer:

'In kanji '暧昧模糊' (ambiguous)

The sentence: 'the distribution of responsibilities is rather ambiguous

Teacher's comment:

'暧昧不清, 模糊不明' 'aimai fukiyoshi, moko fumei', (basically means ambiguous) are what these four words mean. There are a lot of people who know how to pronounce it,, but there are very few people who know how to write it in kanji. Well answered.'

Yoshii Akihisa's answer:

'In kanji '合間妹子' '(aima)(imo-ko) '

Teacher's comment:

I get the feeling that at least you're trying to answer this question.

Tsuchiya Kouta's answer:

'Example: The three beauties Ono no Komachi, Ono no Imoko, and Aima Imoko[1] started on their journey as envoys.'

Teacher's comment:

Please do note that you included a male in that.

Ono no Komachi [1]is a woman from the early Heian (794–1185) period, a famous beauty in Japan, hailed as one of the three great beauties of the world, the other two being Yang Guifei [2] from China's Tang Dynasty and Egypt's Queen Cleopatra VII [3]. Ono no Imoko [4] is a male politician from the Asuka (538–710 AD) period. According to records from Japan, he was deployed to China as an ambassador during the Sui Dynasty. (581-615 AD) Note that Ono no Komachi is Ono no Imoko's descendent.

Exam Summoning War (Volume 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora