Chapter Four (c)

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"If we want to get class A, we've got to convince Kubo. Akihisa, try and convince him."

"That's right, I feel Akihisa is the most suitable one to do this."

"...We'll leave it to you."

What's going on? Why is everyone agreeing that I should convince Kubo?

"Ah, oh, it doesn't matter if I go."

Besides, I have no reason to refuse, so I naturally went along with it.

"But then again, why me?"

Just as I intend to stand up and walk to Kubo-san, I suddenly thought about asking this as I turned around to ask those three.


Did I ask something wrong? Why is everyone looking away awkwardly?

"Erm, about that...I have a bad feeling about it. Is it really alright?"

"Wha, what problem is there? And I can tell you straight up, Kubo has no ill intent against you."

"...He has no ill intent against you at all."

"Why are you two saying this as if something's choking you?"

What's going on? For some reason, I don't feel like going further.

"Akihisa, hurry up and move."

"Eh? But..."

"No problem! Among us, Kubo views you the most favourably, so be confident!"

"Ah, mm..."

"...But if something really happens, use this."

After saying this, Yuuji stuffed something into my pocket. I took a peek to confirm what it was.

—So it's a taser.

I'm just going to request help from a schoolmate, so why must I carry a taser along? I'm really confused here.

"O, okay, I'm going then."

Though I didn't understand, I still walked over to Kubo-san in the end.

As expected of the one who ranks second in our academic year, Kubo-san is flipping a reference book, studying it seriously. Though I have a thought that 'maybe now isn't a good time to disturb him now', I've got to do what I got to do.

"Kubo-san, can I bother you for a while?"

"Yoshii-san? It's rare for you to look for me. Take a seat."

At the same time he said this, Kubo-san moved his butt away to create more space on the chair. Hm, I'm really grateful for Kubo-san's kind intentions, but is there a need to make space on a single-seat chair?

"Eh, I guess I should use the chair that no one is using over there."

"Really? Nevermind, if you want to use that chair, go ahead."

"Speaking of which, I have something I want to ask you."

"I accept."


I haven't even asked him what I want!

"Ah, I'm sorry, I lost my cool. Then, say, what do you need me to help you with?"

"Ah, mm, actually..."

I want you to help me as a peeping buddy—I can't say such words so easily!

"Don't worry too much, just say what you want to say."

Seeing me having difficulty in expressing myself, Kubo-san answered with a sincere look. If the person I'm trying to convince is so understanding, I should be able to ask him directly, right? No need to think too much, I just need to trust him and ask him directly!

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