Chapter Six (e)

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I could feel a summoned beast appearing behind me. Seems like Muttsulini's about to fight.

It came down to this, and I can only believe him. Besides, instead of getting involved in someone else's battle, there's still something that I have to settle in front of me.

"Everyone, thank you..."

The moment I realised this, the words had already came out of my mouth.

I originally thought that this was an unwinnable battle. But with the help of so many comrades, there's a chance to succeed.

Right now, everything will be over if I can win here.

There's just a high wall that I have to climb over...

The time now is 20.15, and it's the best time to achieve our aim. I could actually reach this place at this time, and it's all because of all my comrades who assisted us. Because of you guys, we were able to create such a miracle.

"I must reach my goal!"

This is the final pass. A few more steps, and it will be the Fantasy Heaven that every male dreams of.

"...You really came here, Yoshii."

The final enemy who's standing in front of the entrance slowly widens his eyes, silently getting into a battle position.


It's finally this moment, and the final battle of this long training camp starts now.

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