The Seventh Question

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Please answer the following question.

"When the observer A moves with a velocity V, an ambulance with a sound frequency of f moves forward with a speed of v'. Please state what will happen when the speed of sound is at V? What kind of phenomenon is this?

Himeji Mizuki's answer:

"The observer A will hear the siren at a frequency of f(V+v')/(V-v'). This phenomenon is known as the Doppler Effect."

Teacher's comment:

The same phenomenon will also appear during an F1 race. Though most people often feel that physics phenomenon are rather rare, they do often occur in our everyday life.

Yoshii Akihisa's answer:

"The observer A gets knocked away at a speed of v'+v. This phenomenon is called a traffic accident."

Teacher's comment:

Seeing you write this relative velocity makes me even angrier.

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