The Second Question

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Please write the diary entry for the first day of the training course.

Himeji Mizuki's Diary:

After getting off at the tram stop, I was overwhelmed by a sudden dizziness. The smell of the trees and the change of scenery, the difference in air quality compared to the streets of the city, seemed to prophesize that something good would happen.

Teacher's advice:

It seems the change of environment is a great stimulus. I wish for Himeji to have a great time and create some memories that belong only to the second year of your high schooling.

Tsuchiya Kouta's Diary:

After getting off at the tram stop, I felt overwhelmed by dizziness. I wonder what caused it?

Teacher's advice:

It's car sickness.

Yoshii Akihisa's Diary:

At the tram stop, I took in a whiff of the air, it seemed a little sweet, yet sour. A very mysterious smell, and my deep thoughts echoed whether or not it was the specialty of this town.

Teacher's advice:

I am definitely sure if Tsuchiya besides you was not vomiting, you would have a different impression of the air quality of this town.

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