Chapter One (a)

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Two months have passed since the new semester and the effects of the extra daylight are beginning to become more apparent. Because of the temperate climate, sleeping is easier and therefore I arrive at school earlier than usual.

"Oh? You're early today, Akihisa."

Just as my foot entered the classroom door, a classmate called out to me. Her face was petite with large and round eyeballs. Although she used a weird dialect, anyone could easily see that her face was of absolute stunning beauty.

"Morning, Hideyoshi. It's just that I woke up earlier than normal."

The one with such an appearance is our Kinoshita Hideyoshi. He is part of our class, and is the reason why I am starting to disregard gender when it comes to love.

"Good morning. Then are you preparing your feelings for tomorrow's training course?"

Hideyoshi's brilliance was shining. And I was able to experience Hideyoshi's wonderful smile.

"Hahaha. Perhaps so."

Treading across the tatami mats that were recently recovered from the previous school festival, and having placed my school bag on top of a folding table, the differences between placing objects on a folding table and a cardboard box sincerely moved my heart.

"Even though the aforementioned goal was to increase our knowledge, by gathering everyone to stay in the same place, it is hard to to avoid changing the event to be a pleasurable one. I can feel the excitement gathering in my chest."

"Oh how terrible, even if you say that your chest feels like it's swelling, your chest volume has not increased."

"No, it'd be problematic if my chest grew bigger...."

While taking the objects out of my school bag, I continued my usual useless banter with Hideyoshi.

"But, a five day and four night trip feels like a vacation, so I'm anticipating it."

"Hm? What's this?"

The contents of the drawer that were supposed to have been confiscated by Iron Man should have been missing, but after detailed inspection, the empty desk drawer seemed to contain a letter; a letter that was never seen before.

<Addressed to Yoshii Akihisa>

The recipient of the letter was me.


It-it-it can't be... a love letter?!

"Hm? What's wrong, Akihisa?"

C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-c-calm down Yoshii Akihisa! If I'm found with such a letter, the students in this class will be engulfed with envy and will definitely execute me. With the past events leading up until today, it was hardly difficult to come to this conclusion. What's most important is to pretend that nothing has happened.

"What's up, Hideyoshi? Everything goes so well..." (This is in English in original context.)

"This must be serious."

Oh crap! I was busted so quickly!

"A...ah. I must hand it to Hideyoshi. To have so easily discovered my acting."

"Um, no, before the issue of your acting skills, I think your language..."

I guess him having been crowned with the title of a future actor was not for show.

"A...Actually it's nothing very important, can you pretend to have not noticed?"

I placed both of my hands together in front of my face to beg Hideyoshi. If acting doesn't work, it would have to do to persuade him using sincerity.

"Mm... If Akihisa says so, then I'll avoid asking then...."

Suspicion arose on Hideyoshi's face, but he ceased to ask further on, such a gentle person!

"Thank you for your help! Then au revoir!"

With extreme care, and without arousing any suspicion, I secretly slipped the letter into the school bag and made a mad dash out of the classroom.

There was no problem with time, as I still had time left before class. And also, I couldn't feel anyone trailing behind me. It seems that I have not been discovered by my classmates.

"Is it possible that my spring has arrived...?"

Holding various happy feelings, I increase my pace while running on the staircase.

"Haa, haa."

Having reached the rooftop's heavy metal door, I opened it, giving way to the clear blue sky.

"Great, there's no one around."

This gave me the irresistible urge to break into a soliloquy.

As if to avoid the strong piercing rays of the sun, I headed towards the shady cool areas of the rooftop and retrieved the letter from my bag.

"Hm, so who wrote this letter?"

The letter had no name on it. 'What kind of girl could it possibly be?' was the sensation that I was having at the moment, while my heart hammered noisily.

After I closed my eyes to calm myself down, I slowly took the contents of the letter out. But possibly due to being very nervous, this took a great deal of time.

Today is the best day of all days. I could feel luck pouring from every crevice of my body.

With the happy rays of sunshine pouring over my body.

The wide clear blue sky.

The gentle breeze that blew across.

[I know your secret.]

It was a blackmail message.

"This can't beeee!!!!"

To me, it seems spring is still a distant thing.

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