Chapter Two (a)

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Noticing the greenery pass the bus window, I finally left the city that I'm so used to staying in, and am heading towards the highlands that give off such a realistic feeling.

"Seems like we're going to be on this tram for another 2 hours."

Himeji-san is sitting opposite me as she slips her handphone back into her pocket. She should be checking out the bus directory.

"There's two hours left, but I don't want to sleep. What should I do~"

As the space in the bus is small, there are only so many things we can do. Our hand-held games were confiscated, so we couldn't bring them. There's unexpectedly so few things that we can do.

I turn around and look at Yuuji, who's looking outside. Also looking rather bored, he yawned.

"Yuuji, got something interesting?"

"Isn't there a mirror in the toilet? You can look into it until it breaks."

"Eh, you're saying that my face looks interesting?"

"Nope, you're mistaken. I'm saying that your face-really can't make anyone laugh."

"What do you mean by you can't laugh at it!? Is my face so bad that no one can laugh at it!?"

"I'm saying what's interesting in your guardian spirit."

"A guardian spirit? You can see those kinds of things, Yuuji?"

"Mm, I can see it. Dyed in blood, messed-up long black hair, that's a rare guardian spirit you have there."

"No matter what, anyone who looks like that wouldn't be protecting me, right?"

That should be well-known as a ghost from behind, right?

"Relax, I'm just half-joking."

"Ah, what the hell, you scared me."

"Actually, the hair is coffee in colour."

"Forget about the colour, that's not the important thing!"

Though I feel that Yuuji should be joking right from the start, I still find it a bit horrifying. If I'm to listen to him even more, it'll become a monster talk. But then again, my luck recently has been really bad, maybe it's some impure thing coming over to haunt me... Never mind, let's just prepare some salt to chase them away.

"Oh, Minami, what are you reading?"

Opposite Yuuji, diagonally in front of me, Minami is reading a book that's about as large as a notepad. It's really rare for Minami to read this when she's not really good in Kanji. Is it something that introduces red rubies?

"Hm? You're talking about this? It's a book of psychological tests. I bought it since it costs 100 yen, but I didn't expect it to be so interesting."

Psychological tests? Seems like we have something to kill the time off.

"Ohh~ seems interesting. Why don't you give me a question, Minami?"

"Mm, alright."

After saying this, Minami flips through a few pages.

"Then let's start. 'Please choose someone from the opposite gender that fits the following colours'."

So, a colour impression? I suppose this is to choose who I find suits the colour the most, right?

"'① Green ② Orange. ③ Blue'

Please say the names of the persons who you find are suitable for the above colours."

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