[1] hOI?

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My eyes grew wide when I notice I was back in the ruins. Once again my body is aching terribly.

"Nonononononono." I quickly stand up looking around, the same yellow flowers, the same darkness, the same pain.

H-how could I have reset?! We were finally on the surface! What happened?! S-sans is going to be super mad at me... He might not trust me again!

I lean against the mountain's wall trying to calm myself and think.

I couldn't have died, could I?
Dang, it!

I slide down to the floor grabbing my head.

Nothing is making sense!

I glanced over to the open path leading to the next room. I slowly get up and walk forward.

M-maybe Flowey can help.

As I enter the room where Flowey is supposed to be standing on the green patch of grass was a Temmie instead.

W-what is a Temmie doing here?

"hOI! Wha-..." The Temmie seemed to hesitate for a moment but continued like normal. "I mean im tEM, tEM da tEMMIE!"
I stared blankly at Tem...

What. In. The. What?!

"u r new to da uNDERGROUND arent ya? awawawa! u must be so confuse!!"

New? No. Confused? Y-yes extremely so.

"tEM wil teach u how things work here!!!"

The room went black and white as it did many times before, almost always leading to my death. Tem activated a battle, bring out my pink soul. Tem seemed a little surprised but brushed it off.
"see dat heart? dat is yur sOUL... da veri culmination of ur being!!!"

Even though I knew all this, I choose to stay silent.

"ur sOUL is week at da begining but can be strong if u have a lot of LV."

Oh no...

"wats LV u ask? hOI, LOVE, of course! u want some LOVE, dont u?"

My eyes grew in shock as I moved back a bit. I was fully aware that LOVE stood for Level of Violence. I shake my head back and forth declining, but Tem ignored me and kept talking.

"dont worry... i wil share some with u!!" Tem winked and smiled wide sending shivers down my spine.

"S-share? H-how do you s-share L-LOVE?" My voice was shaky, I was scared of the answer.

"down here LOVE is shared with... little wite... 'temmie flakes'!!!" As Tem said that little white bullets appeared around him.

I know Tem is lying, every timeline I was in 'Temmie flakes' are a food item. Even so, I know nothing that is white in a battle has ever helped me before.

"u ready? move around!! get as many as u can!!"
The bullets danced to me. I move out of the way, easily dodging the white bullets of death. Tem's smile grew dimmer.
"lETs go... and try that again!!"
Tem summoned more bullets coming faster at me. I had tons of practice dodging thanks to all the timelines, but that didn't help my clumsiness. I fell forward as one of the bullets hit my soul. It felt like acid, burning inside my body. That one little bullet lowered my HP to 1.

"You idiot!" Tem's voice changed into a very demonic one, very similar to Flowey's when he tried to scare me during our first meeting. His face also changed from a usual Temmie face to a smile of horror.
"In this world, it's killed or BE killed. Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!" Tem summoned a circle of bullets completely surrounding me.

N-no way out.

I am scared. Everything is so different from previous timelines. It felt like the first time I fell into the underground, the little confidence I gained was gone.

"Die." The circle of bullets slowly inch closer and closer as Tem laughs hysterically. I brace myself for another reset, but before the bullets hit me they stop and disappeared. My HP also fully recovered.

"Huh?" Tem looks at me, just as confused as I was. Then a fireball came out of nowhere hitting Tem and throwing him across the room.

If anyone else was in this situation they probably be happy their savior has come to help but...
I know who has this kind of magic. I look over expecting Toriel however I was in shock.

Nonononononono, w-what is he doing here?!

I take a few steps back as King Asgore comes into view.

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