Chapter 2

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"Hello Ms. Y/LN." A girl flirtatiously winked at me as I walked through the hallways before my last class. I awkwardly nodded, not expecting that to happen. I made it to my classroom thank god. I projected the same picture I've been using all day on the board. The final bell to end lunch sounded and a flood of students filed into the room.

The same girl that had been occupying my thoughts took her seat in the front of the room. Her bright green eyes met mine causing a small smile to form on my face. Lauren's normally pale cheeks colored into a light blush.

"Alright guys so today you will put your knowledge of yesterday's lesson to use and take pictures around the school. Don't break my cameras and every person needs at least three pictures, all of something different. Get into groups and come get a camera."

I started handing out cameras to different people and they all left into the hallways. I locked my room after grabbing some papers that needed grading. Once it was locked I made my way out into the main area of the school to see if anyone needed any help. "Ms. Y/LN! The camera won't work!" Someone yelled out. I walked up to him and his partner only to roll my eyes.

"You have to take the lens cap off before you turn on the camera." I scold. His partner laughs at him before they follow my orders and go on their merry way. Since no one else needed any help I just walked around messing on my phone. That is until I got bored and just decided to grade the papers in my hand. I sat down at one of the tables before starting the boring process.

I played some music off my phone so I was bobbing my head with the song until someone sat down across from me. I looked up into a pair of emerald eyes as she had a shy but amused smile on her face. "Do you need any help, Ms. Jauregui?" I asked.

"Oh what, I have to call you by your first name but you get to call me by my last name?" She raises one of her thick eyebrows. I laugh at her statement. "No but I'm finished."

"You're done already?" I asked incredulously. Lauren nodded her head. I motioned for her to give me her camera and she handed it over. I looked through her pictures and I had to keep my jaw from dropping at how good these pictures were. I already knew my eyes were wide in surprise. "Lauren, how long have you been interested in photography?" I questioned.

"Uh, since like, before I could remember." The younger girl shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck.

"I honestly don't care if you tell on me or whatever, but you're fucking amazing!" I exclaimed, laughing a little bit at the end.

"Thank you." Lauren whispered while a red tint covered her cheeks. She took her hand off the back of her neck and played with her fingers.

"Do you know how to edit your pictures?" I asked. "Like with Photoshop and stuff?"

"I've tried to but it was kind of hard for me." The green eyed girl shrugged.

I hummed in acknowledgement. "What are you doing after school?" Lauren widened her eyes in surprise. "Uh, nothing. Why?" She asked.

"If you want to, I could teach you how to use Photoshop. I wasn't planning to work on it until much later in the year but I can tell you're far more advanced than any other of the other kids. We can just use that time to teach you about more important stuff because I know you're actually interested in photography and not just here to pass an easy class." I suggested.

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