Chapter Førty-Øñë: Thë Ïñtërvïëw

Start from the beginning

She bursted into the apartment. "Zoey?" Lily turned around fast. "Can't talk! Idea!!" Zoey ran upstairs smiling. Lily smiled and shut the front door. Zoey ran into the room and shut the door. She set her phone down and starting mixing paint. Stroke by stroke Zoey started painting. Different shades of pinks and reds. Black and orange. White and yellows. Zoey had the biggest smile on her face. This. This would be her greatest creation.


Zoey woke up to Josh skyping her. She yawned and picked it up. "Morning." He smiled. "Hey." She yawned. "Did I wake you?" He asked. "Its okay. I had to get up to get ready anyway." She smiled. "Did you do something?" Josh looked at her concerned. "I did." She grinned. Josh smiled. "Show me." He said excitedly. Zoey stood up and reversed camera sides. Josh's jaw dropped. "Z-Zoey.." He was in shock. "W-what is that?" Josh sat on his bed. "You said pour my heart into it." She smiled. "You're my heart." Zoey added. Josh's eyes widened more.

Zoey had painted Josh. His face. It had paint splatters in the back of all different colors and mainly pink. Blending with his pink curls. Zoey had painted different things around his head in the background. He recognized them. Concert photos. Hands of the clique making the symbol. His drums. Tyler jumping off a piano. He saw some stuff from msg. References to SNL. "Oh Zoey." Josh put his hand on his chest. "It looks just like a photo." He furrowed his brow and smiled. "No matter what I do, you're always in my head. You're in my heart. So I painted what I love. The very person who constantly inspires me and motivates me. The man who saved my life. My heart." Zoey smiled. She turned the camera back to selfie mode and stood in front of the painting. Josh got teary eyed. "Zoey." He was speechless. She just stood there smiling big. Paint all over her and him in the background. "Oh! Almost forgot!" She got down and showed him the title of the painting.

"Cotton Candy Drummer Boy."

Josh felt his heart explode into sparks.  He was speechless. Josh wiped his eye  not wanting to cry like that. He just smiled and laughed. "It's amazing baby!" He grinned. Zoey saw he was teary eyed and smiled big. "Thank you. Stayed up all night doing it. I'm surprised I even finished it." She giggled. "If I could come through this screen I'd give you the biggest kiss and hug you until the end of time. Oh my god Zoey." Josh couldn't stop smiling. Zoey blushed and giggled. Her smile was full of life just like her painting. Josh was so happy and proud of her. "I love you so much." Josh ran his fingers through his hair smiling like a dork. "I love you too baby." Zoey beamed. "Hey I have to go. I've got to set the fan in front of it to make sure it dries in time and get ready." Zoey told him. "Okay. Call me before you leave. I'll wait." He smiled. "Thank you Josh. You're so supportive." She smiled and hung up. Josh laid down smiling. He covered his face. Tyler knocked and walked in. "Hey-you okay?" He looked at Josh. Josh removed his hands to reveal his smile. "I'm in love." He bit his lip. Tyler smiled. "What happened?" Tyler sat on the bed. "Tyler. Oh my god." Josh laughed and blushed. "She painted me. For her big canvas requirement." He rubbed his arm. "What? Dude that's sick!" Tyler gave him a high five. Josh explained what it looked like in full detail.

"Oh wow." Tyler raised his brows. "Tyler. I have to do it. I don't know if I can wait until December. We have too." Josh smiled big. "Its a big step in a relationship." Tyler told him. "Were ready. I'm ready." He played with his pants. "I support it." Tyler hugged him. "I don't know how to wait until December. I wish I could now. What's to stop me from when I see her." Josh laughed. "Its important. You'll wait." Tyler smiled. "Its a great thing. I can't tell you how happy I was with Jenna." He added. "Do you think Zoey will say yes to it?" Josh looked at him. "She's crazy about you." Tyler smirked. "Yeah." Josh sighed and smiled. "I'm crazy about her too." Josh said.

Zoey finished her makeup. She straightened her hair and debated on what to wear. Zoey tried on some dresses but nothing worked. She glanced at the dress in the back. It was a solid red dress. It was a mid length dress that was flowy at the end. She tried it on and smiled. She slipped on some black heels and then put on her matte red lipstick. Zoey took a deep breath and grabbed her artwork. She managed to fit it all in the car and got in. Zoey put her phone on the clip holder that was on the dash. She turned it so her phone faced her and skyped Josh.

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