Chapter 9 - New Home

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"Now, Paul."

Paul nodded fearfully.

"Your last name is McCartney. Am i right?"


"Alright then. Step in here." She pointed to a car door.

Paul shook his head. "Im not going back!"

"Back where?"

"Back to the orphanage."

"Im not sending you there, your coming to my place."


"Darling you must come. Your friends have abandoned you."

"No they haven't."

"I heard one of them, i think his name was JOhn, say that they were leaving you because you were such a burden."

"John said he was my best friend though!" Paul cried.

"I don't think best friends would abandoned their friends, now would they?"

"I don't know, i never had any one care for me like John does." Paul bowed his head and shuffled his feet. Maybe this lady was right.

"Come now Paul. You can live with me."

"Okay." Paul gave in and was lifted in the car. The lady shut the door and locked it.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"Do you think i want to stay with you? Good bye little child." The lady laughed and pushed something.

Paul was alone in the car as he felt it move. Slowly. He sat down and cried. Where was he being taken? Away from John and, the other kid. He heard honks and screeches of wheels. He looked up and cars were skittered everywhere. Then he heard sirens and looked at the drivers seat. No one was in it.

"Help me!" Paul screamed. He began to grab the handle quickly and yanked on it. The door didn't open but he was soon thrown back as the car he was in crashed together with a lamppost.

The sirens grew to a stop and he heard footsteps approach the car. The officer opened the car door and looked in. He saw Paul curled up on the back of the car seat. Paul was shaking all over. The officer got in and picked Paul up. Who was still unaware of the people around him. He tried to break away from the officer but he held onto Paul.

"No, no i don't want to go! Please! No!" Paul cried over and over again.

"Seems like some one was trying to get rid of him. No one is driving the car." the officer told the commander.

Paul looked up with sad eyes. He was shaking all over.

"He's gone into shock probably." The commander said, noticing Paul's shivering.

"Hey! Put his down!" John yelled as him and Richie ran up.

"You two lads his brothers?" 


"Yes!" Richard said quickly.

"Get into the car you two." The commander closed his book and took Paul into his arms. 

"No." John growled.

"Get in or you'll be sorry." The commander barked.

John started and hurried into the car. Richie followed and Paul was placed next to Richard.

The commander got in and began to drive off.

John looked out the window and then over at Paul. "Richie is he okay?"

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