Chapter 37

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It was currently 4pm. Jakob and I were just laying on my bed when we heard the doorbell ring. We looked at each other but none of us got up because we were too lazy. Oh well mum or dad can get the door.

A minute later we heard a knock on my bedroom door. The door opened to reveal Chris and Ethan. "Happy Birthday Liv!!" They both say as they run over to me and jump on top of me giving me a hug. I groan. "Get off me." I attempted pushing them off but they didn't budge. "Guys seriously, I can't breathe." I said while laughing as they both finally got off of me. "We bought you a present!" Ethan said while handing me a gift bag. I took it from him and opened up the bag. Inside was a little box. I pulled out the White box and carefully removed the lid. Inside was a bracelet with the letter O on it symbolising my name. It was one of those charm bracelets where you could add on charms. "Aw thank you so much guys!" I said giving them both a hug.

"We all got a charm each for you." Chris said. Chris grabbed my arm and clipped his charm on. The charm was a star and it was so beautiful. Ethan then grabbed my arm and clipped his on. His one was of a key.

Jakob then reached into his pocket and pulled out a charm as well. I thought Chris and Ethan only bought me a charm. He grabbed my arm and clipped his charm on. I picked up the charm Jakob clipped on and examined it. It was a flat silver heart. It felt like something was engraved on the back so I flipped it over. It had O+J written on it. I smiled. "Thank you so much guys. It means a lot. I promise I'll wear it everyday." I said while giving them all a hug.

Wearing this bracelet will make it feel like they're with me at all times. It's like I have a part of them with me. And it makes my heart warm.


We are currently heading to the arena 5sos is performing at tonight. I'm so excited. Mum is driving us there. The arena is about a 35 minute drive.

I grabbed out my camera. I decided to vlog tonight. "Hey guys! It's Olivia and right now we're heading to the 5sos concert. I'm so excited! Also thank you all so much for the birthday messages, it means a lot!" I realised as I was saying this the boys were pulling faces in the background. I started laughing. I put the camera away, I'll vlog more later.

I looked out the window wondering when we'll get there. I see a group of girls wearing 5sos tshirts and posters walking on the pathway, that means we're getting close to the arena! I get more excited. I haven't seen them in over a year. Last year when I was still living in Melbourne, the tickets sold out. I was really bummed but then I found out we were going to visit family in Adelaide and it just so happened to be when 5sos were in Adelaide so I managed to buy tickets to the Adelaide show. It was an amazing experience.

Mum pulled up outside of the arena at the drop off zone. We all unbuckled our seatbelts and got out saying bye to my mum. "Stay safe and have fun! See you!" My mum said. "We will and thank you! Bye!" I said as I shut the door and mum drove off.

I grabbed out my camera as Jakob entwined our hands. "We've arrived at the arena and right now we're walking to the end of the line." I said into the camera. I was holding the camera so you could see Jakob and I. "My head isn't even in the shot." Jakob said laughing. "Sorry, I'm too short." I said while laughing. He then grabbed the camera off me and held it up. "That's better." He said.

I looked around and saw so many girls staring at us. "So many people are staring at us." I whispered to Jakob as I hid behind his arm. He laughed. "Oh my god the line is massive." I said as Jakob turned the camera around to show the amount of people that were in line.


We got into the arena and found our seats. The seats were amazing. I was sitting on the end so I was literally about only 15 meters away from the stage.

As we were sitting there waiting, fans spotted us and came over to take photos with us, they also wished me a happy birthday. As I was taking pictures with a fan I looked up to see there was a massive crowd surrounding us. I've lost the boys in the sea of people and couldn't see Jakob. I started to panic until I saw his head in the crowd and calmed down a bit. I continued taking photos with fans. As the crowd got bigger and bigger. It became a problem when other people couldn't get to their seats because there were people blocking the stairs.

Two security guards came out and escorted us to different seats. The seats we were in were blocked off and there was only one way to enter this bit of the block but there was a security guard standing there making sure no one could enter.

These seats were even more amazing. They were closer and you could see the whole stage clearly. This is getting me so hyped. I can't wait to hear their voices live again. I personally think anyone's voice sound so much better live so if you think a certain band or artist is good then when you go to their concert it would be even more better because you get to hear their voice live and also see them with your own two eyes. It's just a great atmosphere.

As I was vlogging, I hear people calling my name. I looked over to see a group of girls waving at me. I smiled and waved back as I got out of my seat and made my way over to them. There was a barrier between us. I hugged them and got photos with them. "Are we going to be in your vlog?" One of the girls asked. "You sure will be!" I said. The girls started to freak out as i aw'ed at how cute they were.

The group of girls left to go back to their seats as I made my way back to my own as well. I sat down next to Jakob. "Are you excited?" He asked me with a smile. "Very." I said with a massive smile on my face. His smile widened as he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I got out my phone and checked all my social medias to fill up some spare time as I waited. I went onto my Instagram and clicked on my mentions to see a crazy amount of people have wished me a happy birthday. I check Twitter and it was the same. I'll post a picture on Instagram thanking everyone later. I went onto snapchat and took a picture of the stage. I captioned the photo with "keen" and posted to my story.

The Adelaide thing actually happened to me haha also sorry if you don't like 5sos aha
Follow me on wattpad and Instagram: @_instereomusic

-Anna ♡

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