He felt such a wave of emotions that he didn't even know how to name. But Wei Zhou was sure of one thing in that moment. He badly wanted to say those exact words back to him but he did something else that surprised Jingyu.

He smiled...

The exact smile Jingyu longed to see because this was Wei Zhou's real smile. Jingyu can't help but tear up missing the person that holds his dearest memories.

"Faster!" Jingyu stepped on the pedals trying his hardest to increase their speed.

"Rock!" It was too late and both of them fell off the bike tumbling on the ground. When they finally stopped they broke into a fit of laughter.

"Hey ZhouZhou." Yin Za looked to his side still having that silly smile on his face. When he saw his face making this serious expression his smile dropped.

"What is it Johnny." He was worried thinking he got hurt but then this soft smile formed on his lips and he inched a bit closer to him. But Wei Zhou's mind went numb when he finally realized what was going on it was too late.

"Wa ai ni."

"Nope I can't hear you." Wei Zhou rolled to his side mumbling words trying to distract himself so he could stop blushing. He then heard a low chuckle and suddenly warm hands wrap around his hand and pulled his hands away from his ear.

"I said I love you." Words laced with so much meaning behind it. Wei Zhou knew all of it. Because he too feels the same way but he doesn't know how to say it like how Jingyu meant every single word with no hesitation.

"I love you Zhouzhou." It was bad enough that Wei Zhou wanted to say it back because he felt like he needed too. He was about too but his words just got stuck as if there was this lump on his throat.

"Don't you dare forget it." Jingyu kissed his check and suddenly runs off. Wei Zhou was left there blushing confused yet happy. He did want to say it back but Jingyu knew him to well. So the best reply he could give was jumping on Jingyu's back and laughing at how he kept on complaining he was heavy and yet he continued to carry him until they sat under their tree.

Wei Zhou laughed because he felt stupid because of how happy he really was at that moment. Before Jingyu could even ask what's so funny or doubt their kiss Wei Zhou answered all of his questions loud and clear as he went straight towards him connecting their lips again.

The day Jingyu got his carving tools Wei Zhou was right next to him also marveling at the small tools.

"I can make anything for you now." Wei Zhou laughed because he knew Jingyu was really horrible at making things. He already saw his art skills when he tried to color a dog's nose with a green crayon or the fact he can't even make a paper airplane.

"Anything you like." Wei Zhou saw that familiar determination in his eyes so like any friend he said something silly and impossible.

"Make me something I can wear twice." He thought Jingyu was going to back off but he only got a fired up nod from him. At that time he didn't realize how serious Jingyu was.

Jingyu tried his best not to laugh at Wei Zhou bizarre actions but he went with it anyways while chuckling in between their shared kiss. Jingyu felt his heart blossom and it was a feeling like no other.

It was the day before Wei Zhou's 7th birthday and like any other day. Both of them went to their tree. The only difference was Wei Zhou told Jingyu they should have a picnic.

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