Chapter 32 At Peace

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Chapter 32 At Peace

It has been 2 weeks since we defeated Victor and the demons. Things were starting to get back to normal for everyone except for me. Even though Victor was dead he was true to his word and haunted my dreams every night. Mandy was doing great and Ace thanked me every day for saving her. Nobody knew about my choice to save everyone or just her. Alec has been working on getting the palace fixed so we can get back to living there. While that is being fixed we have been staying at the hotel where we first met. A few days after the fight we buried everyone including Jackie and Michael and it was one of the hardest days of my life. I never did actually say the words Goodbye, and don’t think I ever will be able to. Jules and the babies are doing great and they are getting so big already. Not only do they develop fast in the womb but they also grow fast and are already crawling around getting into everything. They seem to take my mind off everything and so I’ve been spending a lot of time with them.

Ace and Mandy got married a few days ago with a small reception with just a few people. Mainly all our connections, Mandy’s family, the King and Queen, Jules, Collin and the babies. Samantha went back to the human world with Drew after I finally told her she needed to be with her mate and if I needed her I’d call. Drew lost 6 of his pack, Blake lost 9 of his pack and Alec lost over 20 men. Even though everyone seems fine I know it bothers them that they lost people they cared about.

“Morgan” someone yelled. I currently was sitting at the bar in the hotel looking out the window staring at nothing. Turning toward the door a guy in his mid-20’s came running in the room looking totally freaked out. It put me on full alert as I jumped up rushing over to him.

“Come with me” he said grabbing my hand running back out of the room and down the stairs. I’m assuming he’s a witch since we didn’t zap to where ever we were going. We finally made it down to the bottom floor running toward the dining room. People were screaming, some running out of the room and when I stepped in there was tables flipped upside down, food everywhere and in the center of it all was three tiny little troublemakers.

“They are tearing everything up and I can’t find Julia or Collin” the guy said hiding behind me. I smiled walking over to Little Collin, Morgana, and Julianna seeing them looking around. Since they started crawling they also started using magic and making a mess of everything. They were too little to understand how to use it right but it was still fun to watch them.

“Hey my troublemaking little ones how about we clean this mess up” I said getting on my knees in front of them. They all crawled over to me climbing into my lap. Looking around I pictured everything the way it was and clean when the tables started moving going back to the way they were. The babies started clapping and laughing.

“Thank you Morgan” the guy from before said looking relieved.

“You’re welcome” I said then zapped us back to Jules room. She was running around like a mad woman throwing pillows and looking under tables.

“Lose something” I said making her jump up hitting her head on the table. I started laughing when she looked at me then the babies.

“Oh my god” she said crawling over to us “I’ve been looking everywhere for them where were they” she asked picking up Little Collin when he held his arms out to her.

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