Spells Gone Bad

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Chapter 24 Spells gone bad

The room smelled like death, blood everywhere covering the floor and walls. Chains were bolted to the walls but thankfully there weren’t any bodies lying around. There was a few metal tables around the room with more chains hooked to them but one was really shiny and clean while the others were nasty looking. As I looked around it reminded me of a horror movie I watched and realized I watched too many movies that seem to be my reality. Looking to Drake I was slightly confused, I mean I did just see him ripped to pieces looking rather dead. How the hell was he standing in front of me right now?

“You can’t kill me just by ripping my arms off and breaking some bones” Drake said reading my mind. Man how I wanted to knock the shit clean out of him. I swear nothing is private around these people. Drake laughed moving away from the shiny table and closer to me. I took a step back only to run into Victor who placed his hands on my hips so I couldn’t move at all. What a dick!

“So you are the future Queen of the underworld, I’m not sure you can handle the responsibilities” Drake laughed. It was a deep sound that rumbled through his chest and seemed to vibrate his whole body or I was just seeing things.

“Well you are more than welcome to be Queen. You and Vicky here would make a cute couple” I said seeing Drake frown and Victor squeezed my hips till my bones felt like they would shatter. I slapped his hands to get away but all he did was loosen his grip.

“Don’t call me Vicky again” Victor said between clenched teeth. I tried not to smile that my little nickname bothered him but failed miserably.

“Sorry Vicky” I said when I was spun around so fast it made my head spin. Wow, head rush! Victors hand was around my throat before I could blink.

“Don’t fuck with me Morgan you already caused enough problems by sending that damn princess to where ever you sent her” Victor growled his eyes flashing from green to black with that red ring.

“Calm down Vic no need to damage the good” Drake said moving up beside me so he could see Victor. Victor shoved me away from him making me stumble and fall on my ass. It took about a half a second for me to jump back up off the bloody floor. That was gross even though it was dried blood it was still blood. Drake turned to look at me his eyes glowing red and his fangs looked like they grew a few more inches.

“Can I taste her” Drake asked and my blood went cold. Hell no he couldn’t taste me let alone get near me.

“Sure” Victor said and Drake smiled a smile that had me backing away as he moved closer. This wasn’t good, nope, not good at all. When Drake was about two steps away from me I slammed my fist into in cheek snapping his head to the side. My hand felt like every bone cracked when it started tingling. It started in my fingers then slowly spread to my hand then my arm. It wasn’t that it hurt more like it was asleep and starting to wake up. I had no idea what it was but it was annoying as hell.

“BITCH” Drake yelled as his fist came flying toward my face. It was like everything slowed down and I saw his hand coming at me just as I stepped back barely missing it. The force of the miss sent his body into one of the tables, flipping over it before landing on his back.

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