Chapter 25 Reconnecting

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Chapter 25 Reconnecting

“That monster has a sister? I can just imagine what their parents are like” was the first thing I heard after Victor disappeared. I turned around several times looking for the voice but it was rather dark down here and I couldn’t see shit. It seemed my connections were still a little spotty and only working when they wanted to.

“Who said that” I asked into the cage next to me. On one side was a cage like mine and the other was a wall so unless they were in the cage with me I figured they were next to me since it sounded so close. There was enough light to show a small cot that was nasty, stained almost black and smelled horrible, a bucket and surprisingly a chair. Granted it was just a metal folding chair but still a chair.

“Don’t be scared I won’t hurt you” the voice said now only a few inches from me. I spun around to face the wall and came face to face with a very scary looking man. His face was mostly covered by a beard, brown eyes and probably 5’7”. He looked skinny but not like skin and bones like most of the people down here.

“I’m not scared” I lied backing away from this man.

“Come on I’m not stupid. Everyone that comes down here is scared even a powerful witch like you” he said making me stare at him dumbfounded. How the hell did he know that?

“Who are you” I finally asked after staring at him for like three minutes straight.

“Name is Granger, I was a lawyer until some crazy looking demon killed my whole family and instead of killing me they brought me down here and locked me up” he said moving over to the bed and sitting down. He was wearing a white button down shirt that was dirty as hell now with slacks and some kind of fancy looking shoes.

“Oh my god, Granger, Granger and Wolfe. The lawyers with that commercial of the little boy” I rambled remembering seeing a commercial about a little boy in the hospital and then his dad being locked up because of child abuse. They specialize in family matters such as child abuse, spousal abuse and other things like divorces and custody. I remember the commercial because it always made me cry to see that little boy lying in a hospital bed all black and blue. Personally I’d like to do to the adult what they do to the child.

“Yeah it was me, my Dad and my wife’s brother that started the law firm because their Dad beat them. If I hadn’t met my wife when I did he would of killed her” he said and those brown eyes seemed so sad that it made me want to cry.

“So on to a different topic” I said fighting the tears.

“So why did the Kings prize get locked up” Granger asked with a chuckle. Glad he thought it was amusing.

“Because I killed Drake and went slightly psychotic for a moment” I shrugged like it was no big deal. If only I could take out Victor that easy we’d be in there. Granger started laughing and shaking his head.

“You know you are the talk of everyone down here and to say you are psychotic is funny. You haven’t seen some of the things these monsters do and to kill a monster well that just makes you better in our books” he said looking around at the other cages. I followed his eyes to see that the cages closest to us had people pressed to the bars listening to us. It was hard to say how many people were in some of the cages but it was more than one or two.

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