New Found Love

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Chapter 14 New found Love

Everyone stood there staring at me and I couldn’t help but feel like I was on trial for something. Alec led us all into the dining room with me tailing behind like a little child that just got caught doing something bad. But nobody said anything as we walked down the hall and all I could think about was Luke and if he was alright.  Samantha was sticking by my side giving me side glances that had my nerves on edge. What the hell is going on? Why isn’t anyone talking to me? When we stepped into the dining room I saw a very scared girl looking confused as we all entered the room. Damn it why can’t I remember her name?

“What is going on” the girl cried moving away from us as we gathered around her. Her long sandy brown hair was in loose waves around her face now, make-up smeared from crying and she was wearing a t-shirt that covered most of her body. Probably one of the guys gave it to her. I still remember when I turned around at the club and almost chocked. She was a beautiful golden lion with shining green eyes. She wasn’t much bigger than a normal lion and seeing her without heels I knew why. She was so much shorter without those death traps on her feet. I’d say she was 5’2 at the most and it was funny because we all kind of towered over her even me and I wasn’t much taller.

“What is your name” I asked stepping closer to her.

“S-Skylar” she said in a shaky voice. Oh yeah, the special girl on stage, god I felt like an idiot sometimes.

“Well Skylar, I’m Morgan and this is my family. We are not going to hurt you in fact I’m here to help you” I said pulling a chair out and sitting down hoping she would do the same. She just stood there looking between all of us with watchful eyes.

“What are you” she finally asked looking at me. I motioned for her to sit and after a few moments she sat down.

“I’m a witch, Alec, Ace, Collin and Jules are vampires but Jules is also a witch, Shawn is a werewolf, Blake is a panther, Samantha and Drew are tigers and Zeke is a dark angel” I said pointing to each of the people in the room. Her eyes looked like they were going to fall out of her head.

“W-why am I here” she asked.

“I believe you are here for Luke, that is my lion” I said and watched her mouth fall open as she quickly covered her mouth. Tears were forming in her eyes as she stared at me her whole body shaking now.

“But it’s not possible, there are no other lions. My whole pack was killed and” she trailed off like she wasn’t sure what else to say.

“Come with me” I said standing up. She hesitated for only a moment before getting up and following me toward the door.

“Where is he Alec” I asked in my mind. Everyone was still looking worried but I needed to see him for myself and let Skylar know she wasn’t alone anymore.

“In the hospital wing, want me to take you” Alec’s voice said in my mind. I nodded my head knowing I would prefer Alec being with me. I just don’t understand how he managed to get attacked with the connection and everything. Alec walked over to me grabbing my hand and I grabbed Skylar’s making her tense under my hold. Before she could pull away though we zapped out of the dining room and into another room that looked so different than mine. It looked like an actual hospital room. How sad it is that I have my own room in the hospital wing? The room was small and white, with a small couch on the left of the room, a chair beside the bed and a bathroom on the right. There were machines beside the bed that were hooked up to a very pale and bruised looking Luke. His eyes were closed so he looked like he was sleeping. His chest was covered in bandages and his hand was also wrapped looking like he had a few broken fingers.

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