"I'm here, Harry! Please, stop!" I cried.

He started to rub my bottom, yet again. "Okay, but then I saw you with Zayn and then you rolled your eyes at me."

"Harry please, your drunk."

Harry let a hard smack hit my bottom before pulling me onto his lap. I continued to cry. I ignored his accused assumptions of how I disobeyed him and instead reminded him of how I wanted to leave the room. I can't stand another minute with him, especially when he's this drunk.

"I just wanted to get us a glass of water. I didn't do anything wrong." I said while sobbing.

He put his hand up my neck and then to the back of my head. "I know. You can go now, baby."

I put my hands to his cheek and gave him a disgusted look. "What do you mean 'you know'? If you know then why did you hit me?" I shouted.

Harry put his hands to my thighs, squeezing them. "You were being a bad girl."

"I did nothing wrong Harry!"

"Gisele, I don't need to explain myself. Now, get your fucking water and get back to bed."


I woke up to hear Harry slightly snoring. It was unusual to have him wake up with me, he usually got out of bed by the time I woke up. Harry had his arm resting on my waist but I didn't bother gently removing him off of me, I instead just get out of the bed. I made my way toward the big window in my room, which had a balcony but to my luck the door was sealed shut, so no one could get out on it.

I turned away from the pretty sky, it was light blue this morning with puffy white clouds all around it. I made my way over to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and comb my hair.

Once I turned on the sink in the bathroom, Harry came right in and stood beside me, of course he doesn't knock or even ask to come in. He grabs my hip and kisses my cheek, then moves to the twin sink to wash his face.

None if us speak to one another. And I barely look at him, all I can see of him is that his hair is a mess and he's only wearing boxers. My plan for the morning is to try and ignore him, because he makes me mad. He smacked my damn ass last night, at least I have a reason to try and avoid him. Whereas he's not speaking to me because I don't even fucking know, 'cause I rolled my eyes at him.

As I brushed my teeth I turn my body away from Harry's to look at the frame of the door. I felt Harry chuckle and I immediately turned to face him.

"Good morning, baby." He manages to say with a wide smile and a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Hi." I turn my body to face the sink and spit. I washed my mouth with a white cloth and grabbed a comb. I put the brush through my hair for a total of three times before turning to walk out of the bathroom and be away from the prince. That is until I heard Harry speak again.

"Care to tell me why I woke in your bed this morning? Did we have fun last night?"

I crossed my arms and glared at him. No way he doesn't remember. Then I come to think of it, he didn't remember last time either.

"Why was I in your bed Gisele?" Harry asks impatiently.

"Oh, so you don't remember coming into my room last night? Waking me up, dragging me beneath you, hurting me, yelling at me, accusing me of leaving, and then not until the late hours of the night you finally allowed me to sleep? Not to mention you hurt a couple of people like Tama, Carlos and some other girl. You don't remember any of that? Well, I guess you were just to drunk to walk back to our room, Harry. That's why you were in my bed."

I explained to him, then continued my way to walk out the door. He held onto my elbows and pushed my back against his chest.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I almost dared to roll my eyes again.

"Gisele, baby." He purrs in my ear.

I try to yank my elbow from his grip, but I fail. "No, Harry."

"Let me make it up to you," he says. Then brings his lips to my neck and shoulders.

"Just stop Harry. I'm not in the mood."

"Gisele, I'm sorry."

"Ya, say that to my bum." I whisper.

"What?" Harry asks. He turns me around to face him. "Why would I do that? Though, I wouldn't mind..."

"Because it's sore and in pain from your spanking."

"I spanked you? What? Were we doing naughty things?" Harry smiled, then grabbed my chin.

"No! Goodness, Harry. Please lay off the liquor, you can't remember a thing!" I say and put my hand up to remove his hold on my chin.

"Kay I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Gisele!"

"Yeah, okay." I puff.

"I want to make things right," Harry says, seeming sympathetic.

"Well, how could you do that? By letting me smack your bum?"

Harry looks straight into my eyes, "How bout I let you punch me?"

"Punch you?" I say aloud. I've never hit or even punched anyone before. And here's a Prince offering me to punch him because of his behavior. "I don't know if that'll do it." I say, mainly because I don't want to punch him since I'm not strong and cause it's a violent thing to do and something I'm not comfortable doing.

"It's okay. Please, I'm asking you too." Harry begs.

I sigh, my good heart won't even let me hurt a fly. "I can't Harry."

"Smack me, you can smack me. And not in a kinky way." Harry says, following a wink; he then grabs my hand and rushes us over to the room and onto the bed, he sits nearly on the edge of the bed and puts me between his legs. "Whenever you're ready, Gisele."

"Harry this won't make me feel better."

"It'll make me feel better. I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you."

I put my hand to his face, "Harry, I only need your words to heal me. And you've done just that, since you've apologized and are allowing me to hurt you back...I guess your thoughtfulness allows me to forgive you."

"Really? Well have my words healed your bum?" He laughs.

I grab his hair and yank a bit. "Lay off the drinks, please."

Harry soon stands up and smiles, "Yes, my lovely."


Harry left during the day to take care of his usual business. Leah came to me not to long ago to tell me that this afternoon Harry is taking me out for a boat ride. She says he intends for it to be romantic. But then again he ruins anything that ever seems to be romantic with his crude humor.

Leah has dressed me in a one piece black outfit. The top of it is strapless and fits me pretty well.
The whole outfit is connected and with my barely noticeable thigh gap, the black one piece doesn't look too bad on me. Leah gave me white pointy heels and a white flowy hat. She straightened my hair and did my makeup as usual; she gave me a gold watch today with gold hoops.

Harry clearly likes the finner things for himself and his women.

My driver, dropped me in front of a mansion, he told me Harry is most likely inside and so I walked out of the car and to the front door.

I rang the bell and as I waited I couldn't help to think if this is another one of Harry's houses... Probably is.

The door soon sung open and a man that looks like a butler greeted me inside.

There obviously was not a single car outside, but inside the home there were numerous amounts of people; they've all probably got dropped off by their drivers. Hesitantly, I took a step into the house and walked in, starting my search for Harry.

Like I thought we were going to have a one on one romantic proper date...

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