A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)

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"Huh?" Deron said looking confused. "Yeah! Ty, the guy who kills his father!" He said as he pointed at the corner where Ty was sitting at, surrounded by guards. "For some reason, they are more worried about him than other crazy people" he said actually saying something smart for once (which made Fred choke on his food when he hear that) "Um..." Deron said before Frank waves his arms around and talked about his imaginary friend. Deron then said he had to do something real quick and left.

In the kitchen area, the author was busy typing this story while Bob looked at the author. "Want some apple juice?" He asked while in the background, The ghost of Tia and Mr. Rigelly were hugging each other. The author shook her head as she told him that he can go have fun with the others. When he asked why, it was because she ha to keep the story running or else time will stop whole she writes this sentence. He nodded but then had an idea the she could type the story and enjoy the party at the same time by just bringing the laptop around the house. The author thinks for a moment before nodding but warns him to keep away any liquids from the laptop. He agreed to that as they went to the living room as they sat down on the couch next to Grandma Jane, who was still reading. The author smiled a mightily as he watched the characters do their usual business from what she could think of as she types more while eating a cookie that was on the table. She and Bob discussed about the party and random things that doesn't need to be mention because it not that important.

Jake was busy dodging some fangirl he had while Wendy observe the crowd, trying to gain some juicy information while Janice manage to get the courage to ask Grandma Jane if she can have a mini tea party with her and being a kind old women, agreed as she put down her book as she did just that with Janice. Soon Lucius was walking around as he tapped Jake shoulder while he was struggling to get Diane and Kayla off him. Lucius held up the note.

Have you seen Sanity around? I can't find her throughout this whole party

Jake shook his head as Wendy spoke up "I think she was running around trying to get away that guy who has the purple hair? Peter? Well anyway they just passed by here a minute ago" Wendy explain as Lucius felt a twinge of jealously. "Have you notice how Deron isn't around now? Where could he be?" Issac spoke up as he sat on a table in the corner, smirking as he knew Lucius dislike the guy. Lucius did a silent growl as he remember that Deron just flirted with Sanity. He just appeared in a chapter ago and he's already getting remembered! Seriously, can't that guy see that she already has enough people making her uncomfortable already?! Then again... He still spy on her for.. 'Investigation' purposes. Well back to where we are, let talk about Sanity (finally) and Peter area.

Sanity had thrown about all the think she could use as a projectile but none of then could get this crazy person away from her! She threw a book from the shelf as Peter dodged it along with the other items thrown at him. He giggles. "Darling I'm getting bored of this game" he whine with a slight teasing tone. "Just come down so I can hug you!" He said with a smile as held his arms out as his vacant eyes gleam.

So far the room is a mess but the only really no one can hear it because Sanity didn't throw any fragile objects due to the fact she doesn't want to pay for them. Sanity was on top of  a wardrobe and don't ask how did she got up there, she doesn't even know how herself, I guess fear can make any person do strange things. Peter wanted her to come down because he was too short to reach the top but Sanity refuses so she tries to drive him back by throwing random things that she could reach on the top. But it doesn't work because he keep dodging everything! And just begs her once more.

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