I turned around and walked outside to my car. I drove up to Adam’s drive way and he wasn’t outside waiting like I had told him to be.  

Honk, honk

I was about to honk the horn a  third time, but Adam came running out the house putting his shorts on and adjusting the buttons. He opened to passenger door and hopped in

“So much for being outside and  ready.” I rolled my eys.

“It takes a lot to look this good. And besides I had to check the final score of the game.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at him.  I started the car and started driving.

“Who’s house are we going to.”

“Ava’s” He said with a weary voice I  stopped the car short and stared at him in disbelief.

“Ava’s house! As in Ava the bitch and my bosses daughter? As in Ava the girl who is out to make my life a nightmare? That Ava?” Screamed dramatically

Adam scratched the back of his neck.


“Why didn’t you tell me it was her house I hate her.”

“I know but we really wanted you to come.”

“Yeah so I could be the D.D”

“We also like hanging out with you Sam, come’on.”

“Fine, ill drop you off at her house and you guys can call me when you are ready.”

“Oh please Sam, just come you are already dressed up so pretty and stuff.”

“Fine” I spat “But only because you called me pretty.” I  started the car and drove to Ava’s house.

10 minutes later we parked in Ava’s huge driveway to her mansion of a home. I got out of the car and Adam followed me. We heard laughing ,music and talking from the backyard so we followed the noise. Adam opened the gate to the back yard and I followed him.People were dancing on the pool deck, chilling and sitting on the grass dancing in the pool, doing shots by the outdoor bar, and a few more people were inside in the kitchen.

“ I’m going go get a drink.” Adam had to yell in my ear over the music.

“Alright I’ll get a coke.”

“Alone?” he sounded worried

“Yes alone” I chuckled slapping him on the shoulder.

“It’s just- your not really good- with talking to people.”

“I can handle myself Adam go have fun.”

Next Time I Give You My V-Card Remind Me That We Are Best Friends (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now