"I hate you." You said lowly staring back at him, unbelieving he was making fun of your sickness. "I love you, too." He smiled, before his tongue came out poking you on the cheek. "Eww, Joe!" You pushed him back from you. "Mmm plague." He said in a zippy tone back to the camera.

"Alright, well! I'll check back in with you guys in a bit, provided (Y/N) hasn't bitten me and sucked my blood for nourishment!" He laughed as you glared at him, he turned off the camera, putting it on your nightstand.

"I'm dying and you're making fun of me." You sighed, letting out another cough you covered your mouth. "Only with the highest form of love." He assured you. "Come on, Dracula, lets move you from your coffin to the living room." He pulled all your covers off you and you whined.

"No, I want to die here." You were dramatic now, as Joe slipped his arms under your legs and back, picking you up and holding you bridal style. "Oh shut up." He laughed, looking down at you...

He had carried you into the living room and sat you down on your large sectional couch, he put pillows around you and the blanket you kept on the couch, tucking it in all around you and refilled your tumbler cup as he stood off in the kitchen preparing your soup.

"Thank you, Joe." You said after sneezing into your sleeve. "You're welcome." He came into the living room, holding a bowl and spoon. "Open up for the airplane." He joked.

"Oh, please, no." You muttered extending your arms to take the bowl from him. "Joe, this is really good." You added after taking a spoonful of the soup. "Why thank you." He grinned, coming to sit beside you with his own bowl...

You both finished your soup, and turned on a movie, Joe had made his way into the couch blanket with you, as the movie started and you sat close together, watching.

"Feeling better?" He wondered a little ways into the movie. "Much." You nodded, glancing at him. "Thank you my Prince." You smiled, and you did, you felt a lot better in compared to what you felt like hours ago, but still not the best.

"You're welcome." Joe turned to look down at you, your eyes gazing into each others, before you bit your lip, looking away quickly feeling odd.

Going back to watching the movie, you yawned a little, watching Joe taking out his camera again, he was lovely and vlogged for both you and him today.

"Guys, apparently... (Y/N) is not a vampire or, or." He pointed from you to the lens, "chicken noodle soup is the cure," he paused, looking intrigued as you stared at him. "Oh god, what if, what if I've invented the cure?!" He exclaimed, turning the camera to you and off himself. "How do you feel?" He asked quizzing.

"Uh." You blinked a little. "Thirsty." You admitted, watching Joe's eyebrows knit together in confusion, before his eyes widened. "Ah!"

He exclaimed, watching you move the quickest you had in days, using all of your strength you emerged from your blanket cocoon you shared with Joe and pushed him onto his back on the couch, his camera slipped from his hands onto the floor, you growled a little trying not to laugh. "Mmm human." You whispered.

Your mouth against his neck, parting your lips, you softly bit his neck. "OH GOD NO!" Joe exclaimed, "HELP!" He continued. Before he started laughing, letting go of his neck, your head laid on his chest, as you started laughing with him.

"You're insane!" He exclaimed now, "dear Jesus you scared the absolute crap out of me!" He nodded as you sat up a little to look at his face, "Sorry." You cleared your throat a little, stopping your laughter. "You're insane!" He repeated his hand coming up rubbing the place on his neck you bit him.

"You love me." You nodded assuringly, "well.. Yeah." He laughed. "Nutter." He added making you both start laughing again in fits, "okay, okay..." You calmed yourselves down again.

Staring at one another, you bit your lip again, you wanted to look away from gazing into his eyes but couldn't seem to pull yourself away from the pull they seemed to have.

"(Y/N)..." Joe said lowly, breaking the gaze you'd been sharing, you quickly moved to sit back away from him. "Come back." He caught your wrist pulling you back down against him, so you lay atop of him on your couch.

"What?" You asked, confused, your stomach finally not turning with sickness but butterflies... "Come here..." He whispered, trying to pull you close to his face. "You'll get sick." You protested turning your head away.

"God damn it, woman... I don't care." He said firmly but in such a soft tone, "come here..." His hand cupped the side of your face turning your head to look back at him.

"Joe..." You felt nervous, you weren't sure why you felt nervous... You'd never been nervous around Joe, even in his craziest suggestions or spur of the moment craziness.

"Shh." He muttered both of his hands found your face now, you closed your eyes the warmth of his hands felt wonderful. "(Y/N), I love you." Joe said, his voice a whisper now and you opened your eyes, "I love you too, Joe... You know that." You said.

"Good." He nodded, as you both smiled, you rested your head against his chest, his hand moved to start rubbing your back slowly in light circles...

The relaxing motions of his hand and the feeling of being safe and secure was enough to drift you off to sleep and it didn't take long before the slow motions Joe was rubbing on your back stopped and he fell asleep too...

The camera on the floor, still recording...

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now